Protien intake during SD


New Member
Well I know I should keep my protien intake up during SD. But I often have a hard time doing this, anyone else here have trouble with this?
I was also thinking the other day, I may lose some muscle becasue of this. But won't this decondition your body more? Does that make sense? Maybe not?
Just looking for some opinions I guess. Thanks
Additional protein isn't going to decondition your body anymore than SD will. How is it hard to keep up your protein intake during SD when you can do it during the cycle? Just eat how you did before.
I don't take in additional... I don't eat enough during SD. If I'm not working out I don't think about having those couple shakes everyday.
You're still growing during the first days of SD, so keep protein and calories the same as during cycle, maybe cutting back slightly, but not much.
hey trash44..... by the way, wouldn't it be better to have a different username ??.... I feel ackward calling you that way
... well, at least the 44 changes it a little bit. is not a very good idea to stop eating and certainly eliminating your snacks because your body will think it is starving and then for sure you it will decondition all together, he he he, because you will start breaking down muscles, more than normal.