
New Member
Just a clarifying question about the Protein Sparing Modified Fast (for 2-3 weeks) while doing HST.

Coming off a long bulk (including two pretty good runs of HST). Starting the PSMF diet, from other cutting routines I've gleaned on this site, I skip the 15s and 10s, and instead stay on the 5s throughout the entire cut and keep sets at 1-2 per exercise.

Do I start the 5s
  • at the low beginning of a normal 2 week 5 set, working up to 2 week max?
  • at the end 5 rep max (post 5s like week 7 & 8), and use around the same weight throughout the entire cut, increasing or decreasing to adjust for energy/strength levels?

Thank You!
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I would run a normal block of 5s, but start at 80% instead of whatever you normally start at.

Don't be surprised if you have to drop back to two times a week lifting while on the psmf.

Are you planning to do cardio at all? I don't when running this type of diet, but it's up to you. The diet really creates enough deficit without adding cardio on top of it.
I doubt I'll be able to hit 2x bodyweight in protein so I'm cautiously avoiding cardio and any extra activity other than lifting for the duration. Lifting for only two times a week - I hope I don't get to that point! But I'll follow and listen to my energy in the gym and recovery, and hold back if I have to.

In some ways, it's a nice break from gobbling carbs, and I'll look into new veggies that I haven't eaten before.

Thank you, Totentanz!
If you do run this, I think you should log it and take before/after pictures.

I've done PSMF (or RFL as it is called now) on HST several times in the past, it can be a pretty dramatic transformation if you manage to stick to it and depending on what bodyfat % you are starting at and ending at.

As for hitting 2x bodyweight in protein... whey protein isolate is your friend. Virtually fat and carb free. Mix with water, maybe add some splenda if it tastes too horrible in it's natural state. You can easily add an extra 100 grams a day doing this.
Sorry, one other thing... I'm assuming you've got Lyle's book on the diet?

I would run two or three blocks of 12 days or so rather than 3 weeks at a time if you aren't over 20% bodyfat. Under 20%, seems like it's harder to maintain for longer periods. I do 12 days or so, take 3-4 days off, then run another block, repeat until you are lean enough.

I have tried Lyle's Stubborn Fat Protocol during one of these diets when I was trying to get under 10%, only did it twice a week for two cycles of the diet, so maybe like 6-8 times total over the course of a month. It was pure hell but it worked great and got me the leanest I'd been since back when I was 140 lbs.
If you do run this, I think you should log it and take before/after pictures.

I've done PSMF (or RFL as it is called now) on HST several times in the past, it can be a pretty dramatic transformation if you manage to stick to it and depending on what bodyfat % you are starting at and ending at.

As for hitting 2x bodyweight in protein... whey protein isolate is your friend. Virtually fat and carb free. Mix with water, maybe add some splenda if it tastes too horrible in it's natural state. You can easily add an extra 100 grams a day doing this.


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Yeah in it's latest iteration, Lyle now calls it the "Rapid Fat Loss Diet" or RFL. It is the same thing essentially.