Pull ups & chin ups for HST?


New Member
Are pull ups and chin ups good exercises for adding to a HST routine? do they build mass? i know they are compound movements so i assume they are good but want confirmation from my HST friends.
I prefer chin ups to pull ups, but generally do both, every workout.
I have to use an assisted pull up machine (or, occaisonally pulldowns) due to trying to be progressive with the load. (I weight 270lb, so trying to pull/chin that weight, plus add weight each w/o is very difficult!)
I generally do 2 sets of 15 reps, then 3 sets of 10 reps, and 5/6 sets of 5 reps. I usually alternate, so the first set is pull ups, the second set if chins, etc..

Great exercise, especially coupled with dips, works the whole upper body

Hope this answers your question

pull ups & chin ups are good in the cycle. I have noticed an increase in mass in my arms because of pull ups. I tend do a set of each 1 set of pulls 1 set of medium chin up and 1 set of wide chin up.
I'd imagine it would depend on your weight/strength ratio. If you are unable to add enough plates to the belt, it would be hard to achieve proper progression.
They are good for mass though, but poor progression = poor gains, no matter the excercise. You could, of course, progress in reps, but I would consider that, less effective.

I use them for the ecc. weeks, as ecc. BOR's are just not practical.
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yeah dont think i can do 3 pull/chin ups in a row? so will this be good to do them for mass? also dips i'm presuming are good for chest mass?
I think you should use bent-over rows instead of chins until you gain enough strength and/or loose enough weight, to do at least 15 @BW.
You could use chins in addition to BOR though. Do chins at natural progression and BOR after.

Dips are good for mass, but they have the same strength/weight issue as Chins.
Sure that would be the way to go, but I thought you just told us, you weren't able to do more than 3 in a row? Wont leave much room for plates.
I would just do pulldowns and alternate or pair with bentover rows until you are doing pulldowns with your bodyweight for 10-15 reps.