Pull ups in HST


New Member
Hello to everyone,

I will begin this program next week and i will like to make a question. I'm gonna make the beginner routine but for Lats i will like to include pull ups since i love doing them.

The question is,( i can do 15 pullups and i have a weighted belt to make less repetitions for the weeks of 10's and 5's), how can i applied the progressive load for the first and second week if i already can do the 15 pull ups?. I mean, if in the first exercise of the week i have to do 15 reps with aproximately 75% of my 15RM. I can't lower my Body weight obviously. I don't know how to do it.

I don't know if i make myself clear.

Hope you can help me.

...or use rubber bands at the beginning for assistance or slow your tempo down to effectively increase your perceived load as you progress. use a counterweight, use a chair and a leg to provide a bit of assistance, do partial reps at the beginning, etc.
Thanks for the answers to both of you. I think that i will do pulldowns to not complicate things.

One last question. I'm Planning to do this routine and i am cutting:

Romanian Deadlift
Bench Press
Pull downs
Barbell Military Press
EZ Bar Curl
Skull crushers
Seated Calf Raise

According to the book, i should skip the 15's. That means that the program will last 6 weeks ?. The first 2 weeks the 10's, the next two weeks the 5's and the next 2, continue the 5's right? Also, once i finish the first 6 weeks, should i add more weight since i'm cutting?

Are you skipping the 15's because you are cutting? Status of your joint health? Planning an SD beforehand after setting your RM's? How many years lifting?
Yes, i'm following what the book of HST says for when you are cutting. Chapter Six: HST and cutting.

Yes, i'm planning to take 9 SD days. I ve been lifting for two years seriously ( diet and workout programs). I'm 31 years old, 5'8", 155 lbs, currently 13%bf.
From my experience the 15s are for training your body after a SD because the stimulus for growth isn't as great after an SD. They are also to help manage injuries because the strain of 15s on your body is much less than the 10s, 5s and negatives. So while your body is still stimulated to grow you aren't impacting your joints and tendons to the same degree. That being said, 15s are pretty effective for growth for a newbie lifter (like myself). If you aren't then it might make more sense to move to the 10's and extend your 5s for the desired time period. Conceptually the heavier lifts stimulate your body to grow however your caloric deficit impedes that from happening but the programming helps maintain your strength/size until you raech your goal weight.
Personally, Id skip the SD if you´re cutting tbh. Id also skip the 15´s.

My advice would be 2 weeks of 10´s, then 2 weeks of 5´s. Rinse and repeat.

How long have you been using hst? If you´re new to hst you´ll probably find that even during cutting you can extend the 5´s by 1 week and push for new PR´s. If you´ve been doing hst for a while you probably wont see the same gains so it may not pay to extend that extra week. Then start again on the 10´s without any SD. Watch your volume too. You can, apparently according to some study, cut your volume by up to 2/3´s. Which is generally what Ive done/will be doing when its time to cut.

Thats my take on it. Others may or may not disagree.
I agree with gblifter. My first HST cycle was a cut and I just kept repeating the 10s and 5s. I manages to retain 100% strength with a 12kg bodyweight loss

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Thanks for all your answers. It's the first time i will do this routine, that's why i am doing the basic exercises only. I am currently finishing a routine with a lot of volume so i will rest for 9 days. I will read about the need of SD during cutting but i have notest that everytime i rest for a while i come back stronger than before. I will follow your advice of two weeks of 10's and then 2 weeks of 5's.Rinse and repeat.
You want to skip SD during cutting because you will lose mass. When bulking its not a problem because you come back and train and eat and grow. This doesnt happen when cutting. You will just lose the mass. Its all about keeping as much mass as possible.

13% bodyfat. Thats fairly lean anyway. What do you plan cutting down to?
But if i eat on maintenance during SD, would i lose mass? Anyway, it's not a problem to keep training without SD.

Here in southamerica, it's almost summer, I plan to lose 5 lbs more and get to 10% during summer. Then eat at maintenance until march, then it's time for slow bulk.
You don't need to SD during a cut unless you need a break mentally, are feeling beaten up or if you need a break from the diet to get your metabolism back in order. Even that said, I'd prefer to see you lifting for two weeks while eating at maintenance if you are trying to reset your metabolism.

As to your earlier question about adding weight - you don't need to do this during a cut. The primary focus is to maintain strength and muscle. However, if you can increase your RMs then by all means, go ahead. I would advise against pushing too hard for it since you're on lowered calories. So don't actively seek it necessarily but welcome the increased strength if it comes, for sure.