Pulldowns Progression


New Member
On Monday I am starting my first HST. I have everything prepared besides one exercise - Pulldowns. I don't have a strong back and the difference between the weights at my gym is quite big so with the avaiable weights I can do 18,12 or 6 reps. How the hell should I do the progression from one workout from another if I can only choose between these 3 weights?

I am too weak to do pullups.

Sorry for English, I am new here  
It may be possible to pin a small weight to the stack. I used to do that but now there's a steel cover surrounding the stack I use making it impossible to pin weights to it. If that's no good, another possible option is to fit a small dumbell on top of the stack so the ends of the db hang over each side of the stack.

If that's still no good then you could add a bit of weight to the bar somehow so you are being helped a bit to pull it down. I'm not quite sure how I would go about that as you don't want a weight swinging about and smacking you on the head!
Perhaps a small Oly plate or two could slide along towards the middle of the bar (assuming it didn't have those parallel grip handles)? They'd stay put as long as you were holding it. In fact, I think I'm going to try that next w/o. Thanks for the idea!
No problem

thx for the idea with the dumbell, I thought about adding extra weight but I didn't think about dumbell
For what it is worth, during the 5s at least, the weight you use will probably remain effective for quite some time anyway. You should be able to gain enough strength to make it easier for next cycle too.

Also, if you can't do bodyweight chin ups and you don't have a machine to do assisted chinups, then once you get into the later 5s or post-5s, you should at least do negatives on chins with your bodyweight, or adding weight if you can handle it at that point. It will help at least somewhat so you can gain more strength in that movement.