Q: unable to follow HST weekly routine


New Member

I've been using HST for a while and been seeing decent results.

Unfortunately I am now in a part of my life where I travel between countries to and from work. In one month I will often be gone for one or two 4-5 day blocks, and during these 4-5 day blocks I will not have access to a gym.

My question is: how does this affect HST? Every now and then there will be a block of 4-5 day breaks in the middle of the training program where I ideally should've continued to progressively increase load.

I am aware that this is obviously not good for HST, but would you guys still prefer a HST program under these conditions over a regular split-routine training program? Should I perhaps alter HST in some way to account for my frequent travelling, or just continue and expect results even though I frequently put the training program on "pause"?

Any insight on this would be greatly appreciated.

I had the same problem for a 4 year period. I tried to stay in hotels that had gyms. There are also some pretty good bodyweight routines out there. Doing something is better than doing nothing.

Continue with HST. Pick up where you had to leave off or back track one workout to be safe.

Or, you could just quit your job! :cool:

Buen viaje!
Thanks, appreciate the advice. That makes me feel better about it, as I would like to continue HST even though results will suffer a bit.. I'll give it a try and see if I can incorporate some bodyweight workouts
Whenever frequency is forced to drop because of life...up the volume a bit...this will make up for it somewhat.
Yeah I was just thinking about that actually. Maybe I could do three sets instead of two to maintain the same amount of volume throughout a longer period. I am just worried that it will be a lot of sets in one workout as I am already doing 20 sets in total. I guess it should still be doable though.