

New Member
Hi ,

I was wondering if anyone could clarify an issue for me .
Basically I've been following a routine for the last year or so and am not thrilled with the results. My setup :

3 full body workouts a week for four weeks straight
2 sets per body part
8 reps to failure followed immediately by another 8 reps ( dropset )
1 week rest after each four week cycle

I have seen gains using this system but in my view they have not been fantastic . I first read about HST over a year ago and was very impressed with the empirical research and the detailed yet simple workout plan . After going through all the material my plan was to follow through with my initial routine ( the one described above ) and , if that failed , to replace it with HST and compare the results . Which brings me right up to the present . I'm just about to start the first cycle but I'm concerned about the sub-maximal aspect . Given that I've been doing dropsets to failure three days a week ( without CNS fatigue ) for over a year now , wouldn't the reversion to a normal set without lifting to failure fall well short of the conditioning my body has become used to ( and thus not be very conducive to hypertrophy ) ? Should I take an extended period of strategic deconditioning ( 2-4 weeks perhaps ) before starting HST to solve this ?

Would really appreciate if anyone could help me with this . I have looked through many threads on the forum and read through pretty much all the material about HST on this site so I'm not simply posting without having researched the matter .

Anyway , cheers in advance for any assistance ! :)
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My guess is that your lack of results is due to going to failure on every set of every workout, that and the lack of periodization, so I wouldn't worry about it. If you do your RM testing and set up your weights properly, ten days of SD should be good. Make sure those are a good, restful, ten days. No lifting, no cardio. I think you'll be pleased with the results you can get from HST.
Given that I've been doing dropsets to failure three days a week ( without CNS fatigue ) for over a year now , wouldn't the reversion to a normal set without lifting to failure fall well short of the conditioning my body has become used to ( and thus not be very conducive to hypertrophy ) ? Should I take an extended period of strategic deconditioning ( 2-4 weeks perhaps ) before starting HST to solve this ?
Exercising to failure may be of some value for developing endurance, but does not seem to be much help with regard to hypertrophy. Chronic, progressive, mechanical load wins the day for muscle growth. Even using sub-maximal weights, continued progressive loading should produce satisfactory results.
Thanks for the replies and apologies about the delay in replying myself , been a very busy few weeks . A few days into SD now and looking forward to starting the new HST regime next week .