Questeion about sets number


New Member
Shalom.the "official guide" is to do 15x2 10x2 5x2 but i see here in the forum people do something like that 15x1 10x2 5x3 did i miss understanding something?thanks!
Shalom.the "official guide" is to do 15x2 10x2 5x2 but i see here in the forum people do something like that 15x1 10x2 5x3 did i miss understanding something?thanks!

Usually, it's 15x1, 10x2. 5x3 or 15x2, 10x3, 5x5 to keep the volume relatively the same. But, as the loads get heavier, sometimes volume has to be decreased.
You are correct to put “official guide” in quotation marks because as T-Man indicates there is more than one way to organize your sets. Adding to what he already said generally you need more volume (i.e. more sets) the longer you have been successfully working out in order to stimulate muscle growth and fewer sets the newer you are to lifting.
so its about Quantity no Quality?i need the overall quantity of sets to be X or its about how heavy i go?i did A-B.the A is : Squats. leg cruel.seated row.bench.bic. tric.shulders.claves.trapz.abs. I worked 15x2 10x2 5x2 all of them mabye i need change that?
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so its about Quantity no Quality?i need the overall quantity of sets to be X or its about how heavy i go?i did A-B.the A is : Squats. leg cruel.seated row.bench.bic. tric.shulders.claves.trapz.abs. I worked 15x2 10x2 5x2 all of them mabye i need change that?

From what I'm reading, I don't think you get the concept of HST if you're doing 15x2, 10x2, & 5x2 all at once. Each rep range is a mini-cycle completed over six training sessions that progress the weight to your RM

1st Mini-cycle (15x1 or 15x2)
Day 1 - 75% of 15RM weight (each excercise)
Day 2 - 80% of 15RM
Day 3 - 85% of 15RM
Day 4 - 90% of 15RM
Day 5 - 95% of 15RM
Day 6 - 100% of 15RM

2nd Mini-cycle (10x2 or 10x3)
Day 1 - 75% of 10RM weight (each excercise)
Day 2 - 80% of 10RM
Day 3 - 85% of 10RM
Day 4 - 90% of 10RM
Day 5 - 95% of 10RM
Day 6 - 100% of 10RM

3rd Mini-cycle (5x3 or 5x5)
Day 1 - 75% of 5RM weight (each excercise)
Day 2 - 80% of 5RM
Day 3 - 85% of 5RM
Day 4 - 90% of 5RM
Day 5 - 95% of 5RM
Day 6 - 100% of 5RM
No i get it i just explaned my self wrong .isnt 2x15 3x10 5x5 is to much, can i push it in 60minuts work outs ?i do this sets per exersice or per muscle group [example:5x3 bench + 5x2dips OR 5x5 bench + 5x5 dips]?
Look at my programI did the first full cycle of 8 weeks by the 2x15 2weeks 2x10 2weeks 2x5 2weeks what i need to change to get maximum HST effect for muscule growth? Reps Sets Rest time bettwen ,Please tell me every detail THANKS FOR YOUR TIME


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As Totentanz would ask, "Did you gain weight during the cycle?" If so, then continue what you're doing. If not, then you're not eating enough. Your calorie intake should be to where you're gaining 1-2 lb per week.
I was 72.5 gain to 74 and now droped down to 73.3the drop down started and the 5x cyclei have no idea on how much should i rest between sets i do 75%-30sec. 80%-40sec. 85%-50sec. 90%-60sec. 95%-80sec. 100%-90+sec. thats fine?and about the volume should i make more sets of the 5s because now i do the 5x2
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