Question about HST-SD

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Before I ask the all important question I'll give a little background. I am finishing up a cycle of HST, 2 weeks of 1x12s,2x8s,3x4s,5x3s-(negs alt),then SD. below is my exercise routine
3times a week-mon,wed,friday...abs on off days.
barbell row
standing MP

I am currently in my last week of 5x3s. So I would start my SD next week, the problem is I can't get in the weightroom for three weeks. I know i could just take three weeks off for SD, but the beginning of the cycle I've ran into health problems so I've been off and on for the first four weeks or so. So my questions is could i just delay my SD by one week, so when my SD period is up, I will have a weightroom to my disposable? If so, what would be the most beneficial thing to do during this extra week (setsxreps)? Second part during the SD period could people describe what they do. It's hard sitting around for two weeks even if it's important for recovery. Thanks, Griff.

Do negatives or a week of max stim.

Enjoy life. Do whatever you do when lifting, just don't lift.
(quadancer @ May 26 2008,8:31)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Yeah, max stim is a hoot; you should run it.</div>
I have but only for a week pre-SD. I am too freakin' old to run it long term. It would break me down more than build me up.
(Old and Grey @ May 27 2008,8:27)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"><div>
(quadancer @ May 26 2008,8:31)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Yeah, max stim is a hoot; you should run it.</div>
I have but only for a week pre-SD. I am too freakin' old to run it long term. It would break me down more than build me up.
O&amp;G raises a valid point. I'm just finishing the first phase of my Max-Stim cycle. It is nearly enough to put me in my grave. I have no idea how I am going to survive the rest of the program.

On the other hand, I may be experiencing some good gains. I've put on weight, maintained a low bodyfat percentage, and seem to have put on a little muscle. I'll have to get out the tape measure and calipers to verify, of course.

I suspect Quad was mainly referring to using a substantial M-time in order to carry an extra week of fives. I think Dan's invention of M-time to manage fatigue is one of the more important items of the Max-Stim method.
I may have been lifting for only 3 or so years, so I am still new to it. could anyone point in the right direction concerning max-stims.....such as what do i do? or is there a good site/forum that provides me with that answer. also what do you guys do during SD? thanks for all the help.
(grosse0850 @ May 27 2008,11:36)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">could anyone point in the right direction concerning max-stims.....such as what do i do? or is there a good site/forum that provides me with that answer.</div>
Dan's Max-Stim site
I briefly read over the site, please correct me if i am wrong.

so I can do max-stim for a week, take my 8rm and do two sets, but between sets only rest for 3-5 seconds? do this three times this week? seems simple hopefully i got it right.
(grosse0850 @ May 31 2008,10:11)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I briefly read over the site, please correct me if i am wrong.

so I can do max-stim for a week, take my 8rm and do two sets, but between sets only rest for 3-5 seconds? do this three times this week? seems simple hopefully i got it right.</div>
the 3-5 second rest is between reps not sets. The object is to use the rest between sets to manage the fatigue and allow you to lift heavier weights.
yeah must have mis-read that. so i do use my 8rm max do two sets (or should i do another week of 5x3), then rest 3-5 seconds between each rep? but also put the weight down after each rep correct? thanks everyone.
(grosse0850 @ Jun. 01 2008,9:26)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">yeah must have mis-read that. so i do use my 8rm max do two sets (or should i do another week of 5x3), then rest 3-5 seconds between each rep? but also put the weight down after each rep correct? thanks everyone.</div>
Since I am just starting my first HST cycle take this with a grain of salt but I would think you would want to start with your 6RM if using the Max-Stim approach. You could start with 85% of your 6RM increasing 5% each work out. That would bring you up to the 110% in two weeks if you are working out 3x a week.
Yes, on Max-Stim you rack the weight between each rep but the rest isnt simply 3-5 seconds. The M-time is progressive with the weight increases.
Weeks 1-4 (10RM) are 2, 3, 4, 5 seconds
Weeks 5-8 (8RM) are 4, 5, 6, 7 seconds
Weeks 9-12 (6RM) are 6, 7, 8, 10 seconds
Myself I plan to start a 5x3 progression after the two weeks of the 5's. Each work out I will attempt to add 5#'s to the bar. Once I fail to do that on the major lifts it will be SD time for me.
Max Stim can work up to 30 seconds M-time. It's base on what you NEED, not a routine. Some, like Sci have done it adding one sec per rep, but I've found that I need no more than 15 seconds max unless I'm lifting maxes.
It's more about fatigue management creating more workload than timing reps.

Still, it would have been interesting to see what happened with Grosse doing 3 second rests between sets...
yeah glad we caught that part. thanks for the help. I will just be doing max-stim for one week as i am getting close to my sd period. i really need it.
grosse, not sure if you already got it but just to reinforce it. In max-stim you do 20 reps at your 10RM, 8RM, 6RM or whatever. If you do 6 reps of your 6RM using max-stim you are actually getting less result then if you did those 6 reps without max-stim.
The idea here is that since you deload the weight and rest some seconds between reps you can do 20 reps with your 6RM. This is were MS makes sense.
The M-time should be such that you are able to complete the 20 reps with good form, just avoid going over 30 seconds. One option is to increase the m-time intraset, for instance, 1st rep rest 1 sec, 2nd rep rest 2 seconds...
Where did 2 sets of 8 come from? That is the antithesis of Max Stim. Don't attempt Max Stim if you don't have a thorough understanding of it or you may end up injured.

Mods, I suggest a separate forum for Max Stim for those who want to learn more about it. Lumping it in with HST seems to confuse people.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Mods, I suggest a separate forum for Max Stim for those who want to learn more about it. Lumping it in with HST seems to confuse people.</div>

I agree! After all this is the HST forum, there is one for SST so why not on for Max-Stim?
(grosse0850 @ May 26 2008,6:20)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">5x3s-(negs alt)</div>
Continue this for the additional week then SD.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Second part during the SD period could people describe what they do.</div>They should be doing nothing. But since for most that's impossible they should not be lifting at all.