Question about HST


New Member
Hi guys,

I recently found out about this way of weightlifting and I am going to try it out. I have read the basic information about HST and I think I understand the most of it. I just have two single questions;

- How long are you suppose to rest between the sets?

- In the cycles, do they mean like this?;

2 weeks - 15 reps
2 weeks - 10 reps
2 weeks - 5 reps
2 weeks - 5 reps

And then you starts over again with 15 reps etc?

I would really appriciate if someone could answer this questions!
You have the cycles correct. Afterwards, you SD again and start over.

Rest between the sets - as long as you need (within reason). I am only a few weeks in, but I gather that as the weight gets heavier, the rest between sets will get longer. The 1st day of 15s, everything will be really light - so you do reps at a slow tempo and take 30-45 second rest between sets (just as an example) - but by the time you make it close to your max weights, you will probably have to do the reps at a faster tempo and your rest between sets will have to increase in order to successfully make it through the next set.

I wouldn't rest more than 3 minutes, myself, no matter what - even when I'm working close to my max. But I am still pretty young and recover pretty quickly.

So, long answer short - rest as long as you need to. Don't rest longer than necessary/don't rest shorter than necessary - to be able to complete the next set.