question about rep schemes


New Member
My brother is pretty impressed with my progress on HST. I've just completed a 'vanilla HST' program and got him on board to train with me starting January 2. I'm pretty stoked about it. He's bad out of shape and plus I like hanging out with him and would love to have a training partner, so it could be a win-win all around.

Dilemma: He reads the bro-mags like Muscle & Fitness, Men's Health, etc. and gets all sorts of misinformation from them about training methods. He has some idea about sticking with 6 - 12 reps for muscular development. And to make it worse, he claims that I had the most/best growth during the 10s (this is his 'proof' that he is right).

When we started talking about our workout for next year, he already had something drawn up based on some ideas he got from magazines. I gave it some serious thought and considered making adjustments to it so that it followed HST principles, but ultimately flat-out rejected it.

After much back-and-forth last night and today, he said he'd go along with HST-type programming for our coming cycle if: A) I'll agree that we'll do whatever he wants to do after finishing HST (no problem with me because I'm sure he'll want to do another HST cycle when he sees his results); and B) we ditch 15, 10, 5, 3 reps in favor of 12, 9, 6, 3 reps.

I told him the 15s were pretty awesome and important for him to get ready for the heavier stuff. He said okay, but wants to do 15, 12, 9, 6.

I feel like this was sort of a victory for me because I also got him to forget about all the crazy lifts he's been reading about in his magazines in favor of:

Squat / Deadlift
Strict Press
Row / Shrug
Bench Press

So I'm basically looking for advice/thoughts on a 10 week cycle of the above where we hit 15, 12, 9, 6 reps for 2 weeks each and then do like 1 week of 3s and 1 week of 1s.

I know this seems like there isn't enough of a jump from 1 rep scheme to the next (3 reps apart instead of 5), but I've got it down on paper and managed to make the overall upward progression similar to my prior cycle. Basically, it works out where I'm repeating loads on odd numbered weeks (after the 1st) and hitting new loads every workout on even numbered weeks.
This is why I don't have a training partner. As long as the two of you are performing the same exercises for the same number of sets, why not just let him do however many reps he wants to do, and you do however many reps you want to do?
It's fine. Do it.

The original rep scheme was designed as a "one size fits all". 12s, 8s, 6s have all been discussed. 15s, 10s, and 5 were ultimately decide upon for reasons of simplicity.

Keep in mind that a primary principle of HST is that you can tweak anything. Just insist upon chronic and progressive mechanical load with, perhaps, the occasional SD.
This is why I don't have a training partner. As long as the two of you are performing the same exercises for the same number of sets, why not just let him do however many reps he wants to do, and you do however many reps you want to do?
Same reason I always run alone, no one ever runs at the same pace want to at any given time.
This is why I don't have a training partner. As long as the two of you are performing the same exercises for the same number of sets, why not just let him do however many reps he wants to do, and you do however many reps you want to do?

Yeah, it's frustrating.

With him, it's more about trying to help him turn his life/health around than having a training partner. I've worked out alone quite a bit over the past year and tend to enjoy the peaceful solitude.

So, another thing I wondered about: he is very over weight - maybe close to 100 lbs over weight. He's tall, though. I think he's probably 6'3" and weighs somewhere around 300 lbs. But he is weak as p!ss. He spotted me on bench one day a while back while I tried to find my 1RM and he did a few sets. He could barely press 120 lbs.

What should his calories look like? I want him to build some muscle. But I want him to drop some fat too. I'll still be working on a calorie surplus so I can build a little more mass - what would be best for him? If he goes into caloric deficit trying to drop some fat, will he stifle muscle growth?