Question about the SD Phase


New Member
Hows it hanging fellows. So I have a question.

I coincidentally have not worked out for a couple weeks. I say coincidentally, because the HST program tells you to find you maxex and such, then take about two weeks off.

Here is the thing.

I want to add size, to my body, more than strength, before my birthday in mid-september where I will be having a pretty big party that my girl is throwing at the 40/40 club((she has the connection....don't ask me, LoL)). specifically, I want to add some mass and add an inch to my arms. My diet is already in check, and I get 4500-6000 callories per day((I am a hard gainer)), 310-330 g of protein per day, and keep my fat intake between 60-75 g.((I am trying to make my existing abs even better, and I don't think eating alot of fat will help. True, I want to add as much muscle mass as possible, and I know all fat is not bad, as some fat HELPS burn fat, but I do not think having more than 8% of my calories coming from fat is good for my goals of increasing mass while defining my abs.))

I'm 158-160, 6 feet. BTW.

Anyway, I do not REALLY have that much time on my hands. Will the HST still be effective if I started this on monday:

SKIP first SD phase, but know what my maxes for 15s, 10s, and 5s are based on previous experience with weights.

week 1-2: 15s
week 3-4: 10s
week 5-6: 5s
week 7-8: SD phase
week 9-10: sit back and grow as I rest.

What do you guys think?

Thanks in advance for your help.
You need more fat than that in your diet. Such low fat is going to have a hormonal effect on you that is not favorable. Keep it around 20% of your calorie intake if you are really scared of it, but you should know that fat is not what makes your body put on fat - calorie excess is. You have a calorie excess in your diet so you are going to put on fat no matter what, even if you don't eat fat. In fact, you might put on fat easier than you would if you were eating more fat because of the aforementioned hormonal effect. Less fat equals less testosterone in your system.

If you want to put an inch on your arms, you are going to have to forget about keeping your abs as defined. HST will be effective if you have a decent routine and assuming you eat enough food, but you really should change your diet in the way I described. An inch on your arms in a month is going to be a bit difficult, but you are pretty small so you should be able to add on some decent mass during this cycle and it will be more noticeable than if you were a 200 lb guy trying to add an inch to his arms.

What is the routine you are hoping to use?

Just so you realize, week 7-8 is not SD time. That is when you would either do negatives or continue using your 5 RM for two weeks. Week 9 is when you would begin SD.
My workout is split into workout A and B Every workout day i alternate :


Leg Curl
Incline Bench
Shoulder Press
Reverse Grip Bar Curl
wrist Rolling thingie done for forearms
Ez Bar Curl((not sure if I should use the bar or cable))
Close Grip press
Calf Raise

Various AB workouts done separately at night


Leg Press
Leg Curl
Rows((or Pullups. I havent decided. Any input?))
Rear Delts
**Not sure what to put to replace the forarms exercises. I might just keep itt the same. I'm not sure. Any suggestions?**
Hammer Curls
Standing alternating curls
Calf Raises

ABS done separately at night.

My workout is subject to change. I am open to advice and suggestions.

BTW....Tot or anyone willing to answer, will skipping the first SD phase have a prefound effect on my gains??
Black Fate

Oaahhh...big boy!

With a workout like that you sure are going to have "black fate".

Reduce dramatically if you want to grow and strealine things to make it useful.

Let's see, this is my suggestion:


Squat + Stiff legged deadlifts (superset)
Incline Bench + Close Grip press (superset)
Chins (reverse grip) + incline D/B Curls
Shoulder Press

Various  AB workouts done separately at night :


Dead lifts
Dips + Skullcrushers (superset)
Rows (reverse grip) + Hammer Curls (superset)
Rear Delts

Follow What Tot recommended, also IMO you are consuming too much protein, use 1g p/pound bodyweight so...160 should do there, balance out with at least 20% Fat (good fats that is) and the rest with carbs (go for simple carbs as much as possible, try to use complex carbs only around workout time).

Sorry about the big cut into your routine

But if you want growth this is it, simplified big compounds and lots of "chow" in between.


15 - 1 to 2 sets
10 - 2 to 3 sets
5's - 3 to 6 sets

These are work-sets do simple warm up before starting, can be done for the big compounds only (squats, bench etc) by suing ramp up type procedure!

Ok - this is it! Hope you can get your 1 inch in time
Remember it takes 15 pounds bodyweight to get an inch in your arms...the HST program takes 8 weeks at least...don't put your hopes up too high so that you don't get disappointed!
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">BTW....Tot or anyone willing to answer, will skipping the first SD phase have a prefound effect on my gains?? </div>

Depends on your previous conditioning, how long have you been training for? If not long it is not a biggie!
Gaining about a pound a week is a good goal. So, if you only have 6 weeks from now until mid-September that means around an extra 6lbs of body weight. Some of that will inevitably be fat.

I don't think you should add more than that per week if you want to keep a resonable amount of definition. The extra 6lbs will mean almost half an inch on your arms if your workout is set up as Fausto suggests.

If you elect to add more body weight over the 6 weeks you might actually appear smaller due to reduced definition (fat smoothes you out).
(Fausto @ Aug. 04 2006,04:12)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"> <div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">BTW....Tot or anyone willing to answer, will skipping the first SD phase have a prefound effect on my gains?? </div>

Depends on your previous conditioning, how long have you been training for? If not long it is not a biggie!
I have been working out for about two years, but nothing real serious, usually just using my body weight for weights((like pushups, pull ups, and chin ups)). I benched SOMEtimes, but didn't really want to ef with huge weights to &quot;stunt my growth&quot;((which I think is total BS)) so I would use machines alot. I am pretty cut, about 9-10% BF.

So, Do you think I can just skip the first SD phase and just &quot;predict&quot; what my weights would be and increase them by 5 everyday? Because I really do want to begin on Monday.
(Lol @ Aug. 04 2006,15:36)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Gaining about a pound a week is a good goal. So, if you only have 6 weeks from now until mid-September that means around an extra 6lbs of body weight. Some of that will inevitably be fat.

I don't think you should add more than that per week if you want to keep a resonable amount of definition. The extra 6lbs will mean almost half an inch on your arms if your workout is set up as Fausto suggests.

If you elect to add more body weight over the 6 weeks you might actually appear smaller due to reduced definition (fat smoothes you out).</div>
So two pounds per week is a not-so-good look???
Condense your workout to compounds


Follow HST...and eat

And Eat some more.

Any half @ss routine done without overtraining and good eating will produce results.

So follow hST and do the eating and you will need for all those exercises.
(Fausto @ Aug. 04 2006,04:10)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Black Fate

Oaahhh...big boy!

With a workout like that you sure are going to have &quot;black fate&quot;.

Reduce dramatically if you want to grow and strealine things to make it useful.

Let's see, this is my suggestion:


Squat + Stiff legged deadlifts (superset)
Incline Bench + Close Grip press (superset)
Chins (reverse grip) + incline D/B Curls
Shoulder Press

Various AB workouts done separately at night :


Dead lifts
Dips + Skullcrushers (superset)
Rows (reverse grip) + Hammer Curls (superset)
Rear Delts

Follow What Tot recommended, also IMO you are consuming too much protein, use 1g p/pound bodyweight so...160 should do there, balance out with at least 20% Fat (good fats that is) and the rest with carbs (go for simple carbs as much as possible, try to use complex carbs only around workout time).

Sorry about the big cut into your routine

But if you want growth this is it, simplified big compounds and lots of &quot;chow&quot; in between.


15 - 1 to 2 sets
10 - 2 to 3 sets
5's - 3 to 6 sets

These are work-sets do simple warm up before starting, can be done for the big compounds only (squats, bench etc) by suing ramp up type procedure!

Ok - this is it! Hope you can get your 1 inch in time
Remember it takes 15 pounds bodyweight to get an inch in your arms...the HST program takes 8 weeks at least...don't put your hopes up too high so that you don't get disappointed!
LoL, that IS a severe cut into my program. Well, I was basically using the workouts that HST gave in their ideal program:

With a few minor tweaks, such as replacing the arm exercises with more intense exercises to satisfy my goals for bigger arms. However, maybe more important to me than gaining the arm size is just appearing more full, more bigger.

Still, I'll like my clothes to appear more &quot;fit&quot; on me. So, the ONLY way to increase arm size by an inch is to gain 15 pounds overall? Thats the only way to do it?

Also, dont know if it matters THAT much, but these are the Supps I'll be taking:

Horse Power((Or Swolen. Not sure which one.))
Anator p-70
ON's Gold Whey
Bulk Leucine
Fish Oil
Flaxseed Oil
Green Tea, two servings worth
Russian Beer 5000
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">So two pounds per week is a not-so-good look??? </div>
It is not a matter of looks, it is just not feasible in a short time.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">LoL, that IS a severe cut into my program. Well, I was basically using the workouts that HST gave in their ideal program:[/img]

(BlackFate @ Aug. 06 2006,19:56)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Also, dont know if it matters THAT much, but these are the Supps I'll be taking:

Russian Beer 5000</div>
No, the main reason for the cut is that it is a waste of energy. If you aren't already huge (220+ at your height) then it isn't sensible to waste your time doing all sorts of lifts when what you really need is the time tested, proven compounds that will pack mass onto your frame quickly. Later on, once you have enough mass to know what bodyparts are lagging, then you should add in some additional work and isolations to bring up those areas. But right now there is no point, instead of doing the extra work, you can just do more sets of the compounds.

By the way, you could drop most of those supplements. The only ones that are worthwhile are a multivitamin, protein, fish oil, maybe some flax oil too and finally creatine. Green tea is okay to drink, but it won't help with bodybuilding and all those other supplements you are taking are a rip off designed to make more money for the supplement companies. They won't keep you healthy or help you build muscle. Spend the money you are currently wasting on them on food or protein instead.