Question About Volume


New Member
If i do  a simple routine of hst (2*15, 3*10 4*15) and when i finnish the cycle i start ab program of 9-8 sets for the big muscles and 6-5 sets for the small muscles. It means i double (or even more) my volume. But if after the ab workout i go back to the simple routine of hst, Would it still be effective for hypetrophy or i would be used to more volume?
i dont see a problem if you go back to a standard hst routine which we know incorperates progressive load. yes you may well be used to slightly higher volume but as long as you stick to the most important principles of hst then you should still grow just fine.
Your AB program sounds like an awful lot of sets. How many sets would that work out to be per week for your entire body? My best LBM gains come at about 40 total work sets per week. I tend to not gain much LBM at all above 60 sets per week. I can gain fat if I up the calories but no solid LBM gains.
well, it would be 16 sets for the big muscles and 10 sets for the small muscles. Which means around the 90 sets a week.
(lcars @ Feb. 24 2008,03:34)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">i dont see a problem if you go back to a standard hst routine which we know incorperates progressive load. yes you may well be used to slightly higher volume but as long as you stick to the most important principles of hst then you should still grow just fine.</div>
Icars, since you look so big in the pictures And it seems you have a low body fat. I was curious about how your routine looks like?
If you are going to throw in some high volume then do it very sparingly.

Or do as I do when I can.

And that is do a 3 day a week full body routine with a Heay / light / medium day.

The heavy days are more traditional HST with 4 x 5 sets making sure I increase my load every week even if its by a pound or so.

My medium day is a higher volume (work) set. Were I basically shoot 4 sets of 10 reps trying to do more total work over those 4 sets.

My light day is 15's for the burn!

I find this fun and refreshing and gives me the best of both worlds when my schedule permits!