Question about Zig-Zagging


New Member

I was wondering if zig-zagging goes against what is known about the Repeat Bout Effect. If someone bench press say 150 pounds at the end of the 15s but lifts a lower poundage than that for the first week of 10s, isn't the first week of 10s inefficient due to the RBE? Should zig-zagging be avoided at all costs?


No, it's fine. RBE takes a while to set in. How long is up for debate, but lifting a heavy weight doesn't cause your muscles to automatically adapt. Slightly lighter weights can still be effective for some time. The small amount of zig-zag that commonly occurs with an HST cycle is negligible. Now if you went with your 5 RM for three weeks, then dropped down to your 15 RM, then you may have some problems.
It is also felt that zig-zagging allows a little more time for your CNS to recover after your RM workouts at the end of each mesocycle.

Last cycle I tried to avoid zig-zagging but I think I felt more tired because of doing so. I think I felt more of an accumulation of fatigue as my cycle went on than the previous two cycles. It may not have been the absence of zig-zagging but it's a possibility. So, I'm not going to try to avoid zig-zagging this cycle and I'll see how I get on.
I totally agree with the other guys. The high frequency of HST means that you 'll get back to that weight after 1 or 2 workouts, so you really won't miss any ground.

I also feel that a strict policy of avoiding zig-zagging allows for the cummulation of more fatigue, so I may zig-zag a bit here and there (alternatively I may use clustering).

However, as many have pointed out time and again, the real key to success is consistency and DIET!!
