question on reps, sets, volume


New Member
...ok, i'm confused a little...
is it necessary to keep volume?
cus i was planning on doing 2x15s,2x10s,2-3x5s...but i've read some treads and it seems like many ppl are keeping volume? is 2x15s,3x10s,6x5s better for hypertrophy?...
also, say when u start the 1st few workouts of for each microcycles, eg 1st set of 1st wkout for 15s should u continue to do more reps in that set if u are able to?(if u still can do some more reps b4 becoming close to failure?...if yes, then this affects the total volume!!
Stop at 15 reps during the 15s, don't go over on reps. If you go to failure on your sets then it is going to get difficult to keep doing full-body three times a week.

Volume: You can just do two sets all throughout the cycle, or you can do it the other way. It depends on what works for you. 6 sets of 5 reps would be nearly impossible for me to do on squats or deads with my 5 RM, I know that much.