Questions about work out going fast


New Member
Greetings all. I have researched this website all last week, did my homework and found that you all seem to know a good deal about what you are talking about. I decided to give HST a go, and I started on my first cylce today. I have all my routine planned out according to what Bryan has laid out, and also from some of your advice. I have been lifting on and off for several years. I did the Body For Life program a few years back and this sparked my interest in Body Building. It was a good program, but now I am more interested in bulking up.
My workout went extremely fast today, and this is not what I'm used to. I am used to 45-60 min. Today, after a 5 min warm up on the stairs, I hit everything in under 25 min. Is this normal? I'm on my first week of 15's.
Here is what I did:
Squats: 2 sets, resting for about 45 seconds in between.
Incline Bench: 2 sets, resting for 45 sec. in between.
Chin ups: 1 set of reverse close hand, rest 1 min, then 1 set of regular close hand.
Military Press: 2 sets with about 50 sec rest between.
Abs: 1 set of weighted crunches. Rest 45 sec. 1 set of reverse hypers.
Tricep pushdows: 1 set.
Straight bar curls: 1 set.
I rested for only about 1 min max between excercises. I feel pretty good, a little tired, but not smoked. I should sleep well tonight. Any advice would be appreciated.
Thanks guys.
That's pretty typical for your first workout of the 15's. They don't kill you and you don't need to rest much between sets.

Post again after your final workout of 15's.
Looks like a solid program to me. Personally, I would add a set of shrugs as my traps have always lagged a bit (I have a "long" neck) and maybe switch the tricep pushdowns to dips. A 30 minute workout is good.
Ok, thanks for your input guys.
I will post again in 2 weeks.
Also, O&G, I will be dipping on Wed, but mainly for my lower chest, that's why I didn't do them today. I'm doing an A & B split. Today was A, Wed will be B, to include Deadlifts, Dips, Bent over rows and bench rows, dumbell press, tri-pushdowns, and straight bar curls. I'm thinking I should add Standing Calf raises also.
Thanks again, gents.
Solid routine!

O & G as usual has great input! Follow it, specially if you need to add shrugs.

Now just for the heck of it, I personally think the 15's will surprise you not far from now!
Thanks guys,
I am going to add low pulley rows, calf raises and Shrugs too. Here's my question, perhaps O&G, you can help me here:
What is the proper technique you guys use for shrugs. I've tried pulling up and rotating forward, rotating backward, and some guy told me just to go straight up as hard as you can, think about touching your shoulders to your ears.  What do you all think?
Thanks all  
If you do a shrug without a weight you will find that to get a really good contraction you have to pull your shoulders back slightly rather than just bringing them straight up under your ears.

In order to do this with a weight (and during 5s this will get pretty heavy) I find I have to lean very slightly forward. If I stand bolt upright I can't really squeeze my traps in quite the same way.

I don't bother with all the rotation malarky. I'm not even sure that it's a very good idea if the loads are heavy. There's no sense in perhaps giving yourself rotator cuff issues.

I also find that loaded stretches or partials at the end of a set during 5s are a really good burn inducer (think static hold in lowered position).
That guy was correct. Rotating your shoulders with a lot of weight will only cause you pain sooner or later. Straight and high is all you need. That being said, I do alternate between trap bar shrugs, behind the back smith machine shrugs with a forward tilt to my body and dumbell shrugs. I stay away from front grip regular BB shrugs as they put a bit of a strain on my lower back with heavy weights. Be sure and hold the top position for about a second and then let the weights down slowly and deeply to get the most benefit. I am not sure the alternating does all that much but I get bored easy and like to switch.
Hey gang,
just finished my second day of 15's and added the shrugs and calves. Felt good, thank you for your help.
Could you guys take a look at my diet and help me, please. Am i getting bad information or what?
It is posted in the diet/nutrition part under "Bulking diet advice"
Thanks a bunch