Questions regarding EMG, Concentric rep speed & Gains in Lean Mass

fredh da star

New Member
Hi guys i'm new to this site and havent tried HST yet and probably wont do so in 4 months or something since i just started my 5x5 madcow cycle for the sake of upping my strenght.

Anyways, i got a few questions i hope anyone of you want to answer.

Bryan says that EMG isn't an accurate measurement of exercise effectivity since there's a myriad of factors and variables that change the results of the test. So my question is, how do you measure a given exercise effectivty? Amount of poundages one can use in the given exercise? Number of musclegroups that works synergistically during the exercise?

What concentric rep speed should one employ? I've been taught that you should move the weight as quickly as possible during the concentric portion of a rep to employ as much motor units as possible and produce the most adrenaline, thus improving performance and inducing more damage to the muscle fibers. Is there any difference when ones goal is strength vs. size? I've been taught that a bigger muscle is a stronger muscle, therefore one should train with the goal to increase strength as much as possible.

Do users that employ HST for the first time experience lean muscle gains whilst in a caloric deficit? If so, is strenght gains also present during a caloric deficit?

Sorry if my english seems broken or my grammar is confusing, i'm from Sweden
What concentric rep speed should one employ? I've been taught that you should move the weight as quickly as possible during the concentric portion of a rep to employ as much motor units as possible and produce the most adrenaline, thus improving performance and inducing more damage to the muscle fibers. Is there any difference when ones goal is strength vs. size? I've been taught that a bigger muscle is a stronger muscle, therefore one should train with the goal to increase strength as much as possible.
agree with all of this,but as far as rep speed is concerned its only with the lighter weights you need to move fast to engage all fibres,with heavier loads there is no need ,plus you couldnt lift fast anyway
you should lift to increase strength yes and most find on HST that there strength has increased after there first cycle,its all about proggresive load.
Do users that employ HST for the first time experience lean muscle gains whilst in a caloric deficit? If so, is strenght gains also present during a caloric deficit
if you are a trained athlete already you wont make any gains on any weights routine if your on a defecit,but you can make strength gains.