Questions Regarding HST


New Member
Hey guys.
Just a few quick questions in regards to HST.

1 - Is it okay to be doing Abwork 5 days a week ? compared to M W F ?

2 - Just wanting to check if this is correct, say for bench my 15 is 50 pounds, does that mean over the first 6 sessions i go say 10,20,30,40,50,60 then i go to my 10RM which is 60 do i go 20,30,40,50,60 is that correct ??

3 - If thats correct i am wondering how would you be getting stronger considering for my 10RM i will be lifting what i do for 15's working my up to that extra 10 pound.

4 - After 8 Weeks when you have that 2 week break do you reassess your goals, should i be lifting more on the bench press for example then what i did when i first bench pressed.

5 - After doing Miliatry Press i got a shoulder pain, and still there 2 days after, would that be from incorrect form or not working out before

6 - After my first cycle should i get a better understanding of where i should be in regards to 15,10,5RM's

Cheers guys,

PS - Sorry if they are n00b questions but gotta start somewhere cheers.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Hey guys.
Just a few quick questions in regards to HST.

1 - Is it okay to be doing Abwork 5 days a week ? compared to M W F ?</div>


<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">2 - Just wanting to check if this is correct, say for bench my 15 is 50 pounds, does that mean over the first 6 sessions i go say 10,20,30,40,50,60 then i go to my 10RM which is 60 do i go 20,30,40,50,60 is that correct ??</div>

No. Each microcycle ends with that rep range's max. If your max for 15s is 50, you end that two week microcycle on 50. If your max for 10s is 60, you end the 10s on 60. Some zigzagging is okay. If your weights are that low for bench though I would personally recommend a general workout to being with so you develop some strength.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">4 - After 8 Weeks when you have that 2 week break do you reassess your goals, should i be lifting more on the bench press for example then what i did when i first bench pressed.</div>

Don't take a break until your gains stop. Once your gains do stop and you SD for a couple of weeks you can then add 5lbs to smaller lifts, 10 to the larger ones if you like. Or you can refigure your maxes before you SD and use those numbers in the next cycle.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">5 - After doing Miliatry Press i got a shoulder pain, and still there 2 days after, would that be from incorrect form or not working out before</div>

Could be from a few things, best bet is to rest it and avoid injury.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">6 - After my first cycle should i get a better understanding of where i should be in regards to 15,10,5RM's</div>

Well there really is no understanding to be gotten. What's your max on each lift in those respective rep ranges is all there is to it. If you are a new to lifting a general workout is really all you need. Full body, three times a week, up the weight whenever you can. Do this to develop some strength first and then move into HST in a few months to a year if and when your gains as a newbie plateau.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">2 - Just wanting to check if this is correct, say for bench my 15 is 50 pounds, does that mean over the first 6 sessions i go say 10,20,30,40,50,60 then i go to my 10RM which is 60 do i go 20,30,40,50,60 is that correct ??</div>
As xahrx said you should be working towards your 15RM during 15s. Maybe you made a typo? Anyway, this would be a better progression for the 15s and 10s:

35,40,40,45,45,50 for 15s
45,50,50,55,55,60 for 10s

Do a similar thing for 5s.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">5 - After doing Miliatry Press i got a shoulder pain, and still there 2 days after, would that be from incorrect form or not working out before</div>
Pain is a sure sign that something is wrong. You will need to take things eay until the pain is gone. Rest it for a few w/os and then reintroduce the presses with a very light weight and see how you get on.

Even though the weights you are using are not particularly heavy you must treat your shoulders with care. Some folks suffer shoulder problems more than others but they are more susceptible to injury than other parts particularly because the joint allows movement in so many directions.

Always warm up your shoulders well. Doing chest and back work before presses is a good idea but it is still worth doing a light set first. I do this even during 15s just to be extra careful.

Avoid the Smith machine for presses and don't do them behind your neck. I'n my book standing barbell presses are the best basic compound to work with.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">6 - After my first cycle should i get a better understanding of where i should be in regards to 15,10,5RM's</div>
Again, as xahrx said, a good full-body 3 x weekly w/o will work well if you are new to lifting. However, if you want to do an HST style w/o you will still see good gains. You will no doubt find that your 5RMs go up a fair bit. Just keep going until you can no longer continue to increment the loads for 5 reps (these are your new 5RMs) and then stick at that new weight for a further few weeks and/or start doing negs where possible. Stop when your joints have had enough.

Assuming you are new to training, once you are done with your first cycle you will have much improved control and co-ordination in each exercise (particularly true with free-weight exercises) so it would be a good idea to spend a few w/os recalculating your 15RMs and 10RMs - use your new 5RMs that you finished with before any negs. Then SD.
Thanks guys that helps me out heaps.

Also a few other things

1 - How many lbs should i be adding on each workout currently i am 5 pound increments

2 - Do you think i should be doing work on the forearms ?

My routine:

Bent Over Barbell Row
Bench Press
Military Press
Barbell Curls
Close Grip Bench

3 - In what order should i be doing the above excersises as i dont wanto injure myself.

You won't need any forearm or grip strength work until you get into really heavy weights, which won't be for at least a year if you're just starting.

5lb increases is fine for now, change later for big lifts if you need to.

A good lifting convention is Push, Pull, Legs:

So Bench Press, Rows, Squats, Shoulder Press, Chin Ups, Deadlifts, abs. Some say don't do squats and deadlifts on the same day. See how you go with lower back soreness. Get rid of the bicep/tricep exercises for now, compounds work these.
All the guys here are a good starting help! Thanks guys!

Two things:

Abs - the way to accomplish flat, washboard abs is not via workouts but diet, once your body fat is below 10% they will show up, working them HST style in my opinion will end up causing turtle type abs, the bulging type, not exactly what most of us want. Once again compounds work these very nicely.

Order - for now Peaks opinion sounds excellent, but whenm the weights get heavier I personally prefer to do legs first, then bench, etc, etc.
I would stick to 3 day a week ab training just because it is easier. I don't think you'll have to worry about them growing over large though. Most people can't grow very large abs unless they have weird genetics or are on drugs. Strong abs and a strong lower back will go a long ways to helping you lift more.
my 2 cents

many recommend doing squats and DL on diff. days. i do both in 1 w/o thru 15s and 10s and then alternate once i get to 5s/negs. if you do them on same day, do one in the begining and other at the end.

forearm work at this point shouldnt be needed.

soreness and pain are 2 very differant things. do not try to work thru pain.

doing bi/tri iso exer is not necessary to start. you may chose to do them which is fine (or add them after a cycle or 2) but never to the point where they compromise/replace your main compound exer.

abs 2-3x a week is fine.

you have a good plan in mind. just stick with the basics to start and eat well and you will grow. too many people get bogged down and burnt out with a w/o designed to do too much. doing abs/calves or iso's at the end of every w/o has probably undermined more programs then squats and deadlifts ever did.

good luck
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">forearm work at this point shouldnt be needed.</div>

bluejacket says this because you will be getting plenty of forearm work from the heavy compounds like deads, rows and chins. Oh, I just spotted that you don't have chins in your w/o. I would at least alternate rows with chins.

Only use straps with your heaviest deads if you really must. Try to do without them if you can. Your forearms will thank you by growing stronger.  

I nearly always start my w/o with a heavy exercise like deads or squats but occasionally I finish with them instead. Any time that I do the latter I find that my poundages are compromised somewhat. I'd rather shift as much weight as possible for these lifts so that's why I like to do them first.

Once in the 5s, on the days that I deadlift I do chins and not bent-over rows. Saves my lower back from bugging me too much the next day!

1+2 week
1 set of 15

3+4 week
2 sets of 10

5+6 week
3 sets of 5

7+8 week
3 sets of 2RM.

Is that all okay or should i change it ?
For weeks 7 &amp; 8 you would use your 2RM for negs but your 5RM for exercises where you can't do negs (like deads and squats). If you can increment what was your previous 5RM load do so. Once you have reached your new 5RM, stick with that weight for a further few weeks if you can (joints permitting).

Then SD.