Quick DOMS question

I know working through soreness is ok, but on Saturday I played football for a few hours and now my legs and core are REALLY sore! Do you guys think it would be oK to workout normally today with the DOMS? I normally don't get very sore anymore from lifting since my body is conditioned to it. I don't have any injuries, just heavy soreness from lactic acid build-up and minor muscle damage from all the sprinting in football.
Do it!
I expect the workout will help a bit. My calves were sore as heck today from some experiments with one-legged claf raises over the weekend (I haven't worked them directly since my injury). I worked them again today and it has helped loosen them up a bit.
It depends on the level of the pain. Knowingly or not, we try to avoid pain. You may unvoluntarily change form in order to avoid a painful position or motion. If this is the case, then injury could result.

If you can just tough it out, then fine, but imagine whincing, just once, under your near max squat! In that case, an extra day off might be what you need.
If I were in the lighter part of my rep range weight, I would go ahead and workout. If I were approaching my RM, I'd wait another day.
i workout through DOMS all the time especially after football, there isn't a whole lot you can do about it but get in better running shape

if you are having joint pain i would probably rest longer, but if its just good ole DOMS then go ahead and stretch real good and push through it

i actually felt better days after working out, it seems to have cured it somehow
well, I skipped my workout today after all! DOMS was one issue which made it hard for me to get motivated, but the main issue was working late/not having the energy. I will definitely lift tomorrow, my soreness is diminished and after one more night of sleep I will be ready to hit the iron!
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I normally don't get very sore anymore from lifting since my body is conditioned to it.</div>

You've answered your own question...obviously some ogf the muscles worked where not really worked before!

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">well, I skipped my workout today after all!</div>

Intuition is the best after all, listen to your body, what's a missed workout?
Fausto, it wasn't that I worked different muscles, it was the fact that when I lift I do only 20 reps per exercise....but on saturday I was doing sprints in the football game for several hours! My lower body muscles are not conditioned to that kind of work/endurance output!
I can handle heavy loads, but not used to endurance work like this. Of course look at iron-man triathletes, the body can be conditioned to extreme muscle endurance if needed!
I feel fine now, while writing this though. Maybe if I did some regular aerobics I wouldn't have had the soreness.
I see your point totally different exercise, kind of the same point I was trying to make!

Anyway I see you got it anyhow!
(scientific muscle @ Sep. 19 2006,00:54)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Fausto, it wasn't that I worked different muscles, it was the fact that when I lift I do only 20 reps per exercise....but on saturday I was doing sprints in the football game for several hours! My lower body muscles are not conditioned to that kind of work/endurance output!</div>
Probably so, since endurance work can build up a lot of lactic acid. However, a lot of guys' workouts here wouldn't really work all the muscles used in sprinting very well, IMO.

For instance, you've mentioned doing squats with your heels on a 2x4 and that you like the emphasis that it places on your quads. However, you may be losing the glute and hammy work that ATG squats sitting back a bit more can give. Other than isolation exercises, stiff leg deads can help here, but I don't recall if you do them. Another one is calves. I'm not convinced that most here will get much calf development without either calf raises, or a pulling movement (power cleans, for example) that has you go up on your toes.

Another one is hip flexors. They are certainly used in sprinting. This one is a little harder to do in a compound exercise, I've been trying some hanging leg raises as an ab/hip flexor combo. Maybe there is something better.

I'm not sure where you got sore or if it could have been avoided without endurance work. However, the point remains that even as great an all-around exercise as squats may not quite get all the muscles used in sprinting, especially if not done really ATG going well below parallel.
for those who said they dont get DOMS anymore -

i think its impossible not to get DOMS after an SD, since all your muscles reset

no pain, no gain