Quick question on starting weights for next cycle


I've just finished my 4th HST cycle, and continue to see strength gains (though I just suffered some CNS burnout this last workout and felt weak as ****...but meh it's the last workout). I always add a 2nd 5 rep week where I add 2.5lb to my lifts per side, and usually end up with a slightly higher Rep Max by the time I finish. (For example, if I ended my 3rd cycle benching 60lb dumbbells, I finish the 1st 5 rep mesocycle with 62.5lb dumbbell bench n then after the 2nd 5 rep mesocycle, I'm at 65lb dumbbells.

One thing I've never quite understood was if I should then increase weight another 2.5lb per side for the next cycle, or if I should keep the same submaximal weights. So far I haven't had issue doing that, but I'm weary that next time around, because I experienced CNS burnout, or a fluke, or w/e on the my last workout before SD, I'm going to end up overestimating my 15 rep max if I add 2.5lb to all my maxes in preparation.

To put it in perspective, let's say my 15 rep max at the beginning of the cycle I just ended was 50lb dumbbells, and now at the end of the cycle after 15, 10, 5, and 5s, it's 55lb dumbbells. Should I plan my submaxes around a 15 rep max that's 57.5lb dumbbells or keep it 55lb dumbbells?

I've striven to add 5lb per side to my lifts per cycle (doing only upper body atm due to ankle injury). Thanks.
Well I do know my maxes for 5 reps. Just going to take a percentage because I'm usually on point with that.

Bought 2 magnetic 5/8lb plates. Going to plan maxes slightly higher than what I currently possess. My 15 rep max will be upped by 5/8lb and 10 rep max by 1.25lb. Really wanna push my maxes as far as possible each cycle, as you can tell.
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If you know your 5RM's, then use one of the online calculators to figure the 15RM & 10RM based on 5RM weights.