Quick question


New Member
So i started my 15's monday. That day i did 2 sets for each exercise(2 exercises per body part)

in the afternoon i did a 'B' routine that mainly did different exercises than the morning version but hit the same muscles.

Today i did 1 set for the mornings. And i plan on doing 1 at night since iworkout twice a day?

Which would be best? 1X15 twice a day or 2X15 twice a day. Or should I leave the 2X15 for when i'm no longer on profile and can only go to the gym one time a day?
I think maybe the concept of an A/B split isn't so clear to you as yet. If you're doing a morning/afternoon workout regimen, you mainly look to hit different parts of your body between the split. For HST, you should be doing 2 x 15 for each lift, each workout. The things that maybe you need to look at is how you're structuring your workouts lift-wise. If you maybe post the lifts that you're using for your cycle, helping you will be much easier.
Look at the last thing that jvroig said in response to your question in the second link you posted. Look - I'm not trying to insult you; I just want to try and help you be as successful as you can be. If you consider yourself to be advanced, meaning that you need more volume to induce hypertrophy, then disregard my question. Regardless - to your original question, HST is 2 x 15/10/5 (depending on where you are in your cycle) for each exercise, per workout, unless you are physically unable to do 2 sets - or if 2 sets isn't enough to properly induce the stress required for growth. How you decide to program your cycle is absolutely your choice, and should make sense to you given your training status. Thing is, there is loads of science behind HST and not overworking your muscles is a big part of it. It's all about balance, Greenlantern.
I appreciate the help. I've been working out for a while. I'd increase then hit a plateau that i wouldnt be able to get past. I didnt have a routine i've just been going to the gym and benching weights i can do for about 8 reps... for a 2-3yrs I'd call myself a beginner still sincei didnt make much if any progress that way. I tried HST a LONG time ago and when i did it was 1X15, 2X10, and 3X5.... not 2X15, 2X10, 2X5. was told to keep the volume the same. U suggest i cut out the evening exercises? I have them because they do some different exercises like incline and chinups as opposed to the day one doing flat and pullups
I think maybe you'd benefit from reading the Simplify and Win thread. I'm never one to say that someone shouldn't follow their own path - but at the core, HST is a set of principles that can be applied a whole bunch of different ways. How you have it programmed now isn't wrong at all - but your cycle very likely could be streamlined and at the same time your gains could be more significant. I truly understand the desire to do a variety of exercises - that's been something that quite a few bodybuilding-oriented workouts have encouraged for decades. What you have to try to get to is truly whatever works for you. The fact that you have plateaued in the past suggests that you may have overtaxed your body, making it harder to recover and ultimately progress. Find the Simplify and Win thread and read it - twice. It's going to be hard for you to digest given your current mind frame. Trust me on this - you'll get more out of a cycle in which you can really develop a few core compound lifts than if you spread yourself too thin and try to do too much in the cycle.
Well Imma take your advise.. but the guy who created it says 1X15, 2x10, and 3x5 for beginners if you scroll down. Then I'll switch dumbbell flies with incline after my 3rd cycle.

if i cant find a place to do negatives I just do 5x3 for another week? and go above the max that I found prior to SD?
I apologize if this has been confusing - I thought based on your first post that you were doing 2 sets of 15 and were debating whether to split the sets between A and B workouts.

To extend the 5's, you could do a couple things rather than negatives. You could do another week of 5's, or switch to 3's or even 2's, progressing the loads accordingly.
Yeah that was my plan. either 2x15 for the morning and night or 1x15 for morning and night...

but since im only supposed to do 1x15 as a beginner(according to the simplify and win topic), i'll just finish my last week of 15's like that.

so for my 1st day of 15's i did 2x15 morning and night

2nd day- 1x15 morning then against at night

3rd day 1x15 morning. nothing at night

i'll continue with how i was doing it for the 3rd day, for the remainder of my 15's