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Hey guys. I just got a gym membership the other day and today was my first day in the gym. Here is my current routine:

Leg Press
Leg Curl
Bench/Chest Press
Shoulder Press
Hammer Curl/Biceps
Tricep Extension

Leg Press
Leg Curl
Bench/Chest Press
Lateral Raise
Hammer Curl/Biceps
Tricep Extension

What do you guys think? I do Workout A on day 1, day 3, and day 5 and workout B on day 2, day 4, and day 6. With one day of rest in between. Is there anything I can do to improve my workout?

I am 5'5 ~120lbs. I start my workout by doing 15-20 min of cardio, and 45 min of cardio of off days. I eat a low-fat yogurt and a protein shake (1 scoop whey) before workout then oatmeal, and another shake (1 scoop) after. By the way; im working out first thing in the morning when i get up (from ~5-6am)

Thanks in advance!
Welcome workinboy

Oha, cowboy...slow down there!

Your intentions are good, but you are way over your head, remember this is a full body program and if you want results you gotta give your body some space to grow...what you have here is a recipe for cortisol production which will turn out to be catabolic at best!

Go over to Simplify and win! and pick yourself a much smaller program that will make you grow in earnest!

And not because I've started the thread but because I'm being honest to the bone!
Hope you don't mind, but that is me!
Too much. Scrap the before lifting cardio. Lift 3 times per week. Do cardio on off days. Do these lifts:

Dead Lift
Squat (alternate with DL if you need to)
Dips (alternate with bench if you need to)
Pull ups
Rows (Alternate with pull ups if you need to)
Military press

If you have energy AFTER these lifts do a set or two of your favorite isolation exercises.

Or, eat a lot, lift:
Dead Lift
Bench Press
Military press

No other lifting. No cardio. Save all your energy for lifting. Put on some weight.
alright. Should i be doing 5x5's for those routines? So i dont need to do tricep extensions or bicep workouts to get the results?
Tricep extensions are not the very best way to put on arms. Skullcrushers or pressdowns would be better IMO. If you are a complete newbie, you can do arm iso's for a while (always at the end of the workouts, not early) until you get into the heavy compounds, which alone will make arms grow, along with overall body mass. And that is a key you must understand. You can gain about an inch of arm for every, oh heck, somebody correct me if I'm wrong - 15 lbs. of BW. If your BW isn't coming up, your arms will stall out. If you are doing compounds that USE the arms, iso's are often overworking them, hence the reason we set up programs for HST with around 7 or so exersizes, relying heavily on compounds. You're doing a fullbody workout, and that's a bit different from other programs, unless you wish to do AB splits; something I personally don't ascribe to for time limitations and frequency reasons.

Don't forget to study the Articles on the homepage. Otherwise, you'll be asking a lot of previously answered questions.
Okay. Thanks a lot. After reading over the simplified and win topic, i saw that you said something about this routine:

Flat Bench

Incline Bench

Would this be a good routine for me, considering im a newbie? Perhaps swap A/B days (A: mon, fri, wed [in 2 week pd] B: wed, mon, frid [2 week pd])? Then if i have a bit of energy left, do a set of iso's or something for my biceps and triceps and that sort of thing? OR should i just put all that into one workout and do that every other day, instead of alternating? People keep telling me different things, im just trying to find the most effective
Both are effective. You might have to experiment and discover your preference.
I'd have included somemilitary presses as they are missing there and for chest do bench for A and dips for B,alsoalternate chins with rows, then you on your way.
So i shouldnt be doing dips both A and B days? And would it be okay if i did 1 set of 10 on some isos on my off days (tues and thurs)? Like skull crushers, lateral raise, and shrugs? Or would this be to much?
Man...seeing that you starting off, live things simple, try to hit all the muscles by using compounds, eat well and rest, you will grow.

If I were you I'd follow the sandard 3 x week, 15/10/5 for 8 weeks and after at least 3 cycles then have a look at things and maybe give some tweaks a try.

It'd serve you wellto download teh FAQ - Ebook and read it, it will give you a lot of guidelines.


Here's an example:

Squats - quads
Bench press slight incline - chest
Weighted chinups -Lats
Military Press-Shoulder

Deadlifts - Hamstrings and Quads but overall upperbody also heavily involved,
Weighted Dips- Chin opn chest inclined forward - Hits chest and triceps
Cable low rows or T bar rows or Bent over BB rows - HIt middle back and lats
Lateral and bent over raises - ensures overall shouder work