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I'll start finding my maxes tommorow starting with the 15's. How does this setup look?

Bench Press
Incline Press
Stiff Legged Deads
Bent Over Rows
Military Press
BB Curls

Missing anything? Too much? Thanks in advance.

Welcome aboard!

Looks pretty good. Think I would add in chins too. And, unless you have a reason why you can't do this, do dips along with inclines at around 10 deg. and drop flat bench. Depending on your present strength level this may or may not get too much during 5s. If it does, you could alternate bench with dips and chins with rows.

If you do Olympic style squats (ie. ATG) then it might be better to do normal deads. Again during 5s you could alternate squats and deads if the two together get too much or just do a single work set for deads at your heaviest loads.

Some folks are fine with a pile of exercises and some struggle. You could drop curls and skulls until you can dead and squat at least 2 x bodyweight unless you have the time and inclination. Find out what works for you.

If you haven't read the 'Simplify and Win' thread yet it would be worth a quick search.
I think we are all inclined to listen to Lol more now that we have seen his cannons...

Decline Bench is a good alternative to dips, but I wouldn't do flat and incline, I'd just do flat wide grip, apparently that hits the whole chest better (post somewhere on this site). Can't beat wide-deep Chest Dips though they are just the best. They feel great too.

Agreed on Chins and Rows, good to have both vertical and horizontal movements (middle back and lats)
There is always the "how to bench" argument. Best thing I could say for flat bench is to tuck the elbows, rather than flare them out, to avoid rotator problems. Of course you should know to keep your butt down, shoulderblades pulled back together, back arched and press your feet into the floor as you lift.
I'm not sure who won the argument over where the bar should start when tucking the els. I think it didn't change; starts over the sternum, ends over the face. I don't bar bench anymore because of benching wrong and getting hurt. (flared, BB style)
Thanks for the help everybody. I don't do very well with dips and chins as my forearms burn out after the first set. Would it be a good idea to just stick with the incline bench as my only chest exercise or should I add in flat bench because my strength in the chest is really lacking. Based on the other advice I am switching out SL Deads for regular deads and I'm pretty sure I can handle them the same day as squats. So here is my updated list:

Incline Press
Bench Press
Bent Over Rows
Military Press
EZ Bar Curls

I'm following the 1 set of 15, 2 sets of 10, 3 sets of 5 as voted in the poll. Does this sound ok?

My two cents.

Drop the flat bench and incline bench.

Instead, do 30 degree bench.

Alternate squats and regular deadlifts every other workout (they both hit the quads to some degree), not a good idea to do them both the same day, dont believe me, check the FAQ, same goes for SLDL, then its your lower back thats the concern, trust me, you dont want lower back issues.

Read all of what follows please, dont stop at my pullup suggestion.  

Do pullups, palms facing your head and dips, get rid of curls and skullcrushers.

Buy lifting straps (couple dollars) and use them to assist you in doing pullups, then you cant use the forearm excuse.  
 And dips, just do them. In regards to pullups and dips, do as many as you can, then do one or two reps or as many as you can the second time, rest, do another rep or two, rest, repeat, until you reach 15 total reps (this is called clustering, do one rep at a time, its called max-stim, both  HST approved.  
 ), then add some light weight and repeat.

You will develop more from doing pullups and dips, than curls and skullcrushers.  If you wanna really hit the inner tricep, keep your arms tight to your body on dips.

good luck
I disagree. I did nothing but dips/benching for months and although my triceps did grow, the large inner head lagged. I recently added DB triceps pullovers (similar to skullcrushers, but with more stretch) and already I see and feel a difference. I agree that supinated chins really hit the biceps quite well, but I also added curls to insure my arms get proper stimulation. I am mainly working pectorals in my dips (wide-grip, elbows out), and lats in my chins (scapulae and elbows retracting), so adding arm work to focus just on arm muscles made sense to me.

I think doing arm work at the end of the workout is good, just don't overdo it.
well, as youve pointed out a time or two, your interested in getting big and strong.

your just not gonna get there doing isolation movements like curls and skullcrushers.

compounds ~ in due time.

with that said, to each his own.
Everything else you stated I agree with! I was an advocate of "compounds only, forget arm isos!" for awhile. But I have retracted my statements and now treat the arms like a separate bodypart. I do however usually use less volume for arms, since they obviously get plenty of work in the big compounds.
OK OK, I kinda hesitated to leave my post but Im gonna clear it up some....I come in peace.

My whole deal, once you get into doing real weight with skullcrushers, your elbows will hate you. Why I sugested dropping them. I went from a die hard curl/tri exercsier to someone that does pullups and dips, I gained an inch on my arms but its not why I recommend doing them. Its the fact they incorporate so many more muscles, which snowball into other exercises.

To anyone else reading this, IM NOT SAYING SCIENTIFIC MUSCLE IS WRONG, but you have to pay attention to what is being said.

You admit you target chest in the dips, if I recall, you dont do bench, so heck yeah, someone that doesnt bench, instead does dips, it would benefit you to do a tri isolation movement, as your not likely to wanna do bench dips to hit the triceps. Maybe Im thinking of someone else here, I dunno.

Just understand, Im not saying your wrong, Im just saying, what your suggesting is application specific and not a broad statement. Make sense?
OK OK I'm taking your advice! Is it ok if I cluster both the chins and the dips? So just to get this straight I would take however long it is necessary to complete all my reps?

Current plan:
Incline Bench
Shoulder Press
Chins (clustered)
Dips (clustered)
Standing Calf Raises

Yes, however, bring back the rows though.

And get rid of the calf raises.

Do the dips ~ chins last. On each, do as many reps as you can, rest, do as many reps as you can, rest, once you reach 15, stop. Next workout, add some weight, light weight, as it all adds up, repeat.

Have fun!!