Real Deal HST


New Member
Noobs won't stop coming here, and I sure as hell can't stop this forum from existing, or stop the guys who post nonsense here.

So, why the hell not, here's a better routine that noobs can follow, incorporating HST principles, but at the same time making sure they won't be wasting any of their time lifting baby weights that absolutely do nothing for hypertrophy.

First, deloading. You've got to deload somewhat, if you've been banging weights a long time. No doubt about that. Calling it "SD" makes it a little "mysterious", but whatever, that's what noobs here will probably expect. So we decondition with SD, not just deload.

So assuming that's done, or you are a noob and will just start lifting weights, lets go to the routine.

1.) We workout 3x a week. There's no sense doing more - no research has proven that any more than that has had significant changes. 3 tops it.

2.) Compounds - lots of them. We have many complex muscle groups, and each can perform different functions. For better overall development, you can't just stick to the 3 biggest compounds. Those three will make you grow for sure, but you would experience significantly greater results with a lot more compounds. So here they are, and we'll also throw in a few isolations:
-Flat Bench
-Incline Bench
-DB Triceps Extensions (Skullcrushers)
-Lat pulldowns / wide grip chins
-Narrow grip chins
-Incline Hammer curls
-Barbell / Dumbbell rows

3.) The order you do them is irrelevant - what matters is you finish them without unnecessary delay. You can arrange them in superset fashion, or start with the heaviest compounds first (squats / deads), or however. I personally would do them the way they were outlined.

4.) Unless you are deloading - or you need the lactic acid buildup for your joints - never go very light. Jump right ahead to the start of your 5's. Here's an example:
-Your 5rm is 300
-You increment by 10 pounds for that exercise
-Your progression is: 250, 260, 270, 280, 290, 300
-Do 250 for week 1
-Do 260 for week 2
-Do 270 for week 3
-Do 280 for week 4
-Do 290 for week 5
-Do 300 for week 6 onwards.

5.) Your entire cycle should be at least 4 months (approx 17 weeks). Although your max is 300, by the end of 4+ months, this would already increase. So by the end of your cycle, like week 18 or whatever, you should be doing 320 already or something. You simply try to adjust your max while within the cycle. So for example by week 11 you now do 310. Then by week 15 you do 320. Then if you end with that, then that is your new 5RM max for the next cycle, obviously.

6.) Now that it's been at least 17 weeks, you can now deload or decondition with SD. Deload simply with loads you can do for 15-20 reps if you don't want to SD. Your SD should take no more than 2 weeks. If you choose to deload, then you can do it for a week longer. No need for progressive loading during deload. After deloading or SD, jump back again to your 5's. Following the example in #5, you ended with a max of 300, so now your cycle should be:
-Do 270 for week 1
-Do 280 for week 2
-Do 290 for week 3
-Do 300 for week 4
-Do 310 for week 5
-Do 320 for week 6 onwards.

This way, you only deload/SD a maximum 3 times a year. And you stick with heavy weights most of the time - that's a benefit not only to hypertrophy, but also to strength.

I further recommend not to SD at all - just deload. That way, you also get the benefit of healing your joints with lactic acid buildup. You'll need it if you don't take in enough fish oil, since you'll be lifting heavy often, especially if you aren't used to heavy all the time.

There. That's a better HST routine.

-The Real Deal
As for the reps/sets, until you get to your 5rm max, you should aim to do 8 reps per set. Obviously, as you get nearer, that would be impossible to do. That's not important, just don't go to failure since HST says so. The # of sets depends on you. If you can finish the routine doing 2 sets of each, do so. If you can only do one, then do one and call it good.

That's it.

-The Real Deal
Real, I suggest you to create a your own web site and forum where you can explain all scientific principles of your workout and why it should be better than other one
ok newbrain so you would do them in this order
-Flat Bench
-Incline Bench
-DB Triceps Extensions (Skullcrushers)
and completly exhaust your tris when you could have done push pull and give tris and bis a bit of a rest ,so using more weight

same time making sure they won't be wasting any of their time lifting baby weights that absolutely do nothing for hypertrophy.

so you start at 270 and your max is 300 is that not submax loads
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">There. That's a better HST routine.</div>

But is it? Just your opinion mate. By utilising most of the HST principles it is sure to work but will it be better? I doubt it. I like the idea of a longer cycle but I do that anyway (as do lots of others here). So in fact what you suggest really boils down to more compounds. I think if you did all this for your 5RMs, ie.:

-Flat Bench
-Incline Bench
-DB Triceps Extensions (Skullcrushers)
-Lat pulldowns / wide grip chins
-Narrow grip chins
-Incline Hammer curls
-Barbell / Dumbbell rows

... you would spend too long faffling with weights and bars and waiting for others to finish up. I tried it and it didn't work efficiently enough for me. Now that I use an alternate A/B w/o set-up, as suggested by a bunch of helpful guys here, I can get it done in an hour (or less) and do a bit more volume for each exercise. It's been working great.

As my joints are becoming a bit tougher and better able to cope with the 5s I will be stretching them out for longer. I think that's the way to go.
I think any noob would be better off trying vanilla HST than trying to tweak the routine. Once you do a couple cycles like that then you can read the &quot;Pimp my HST&quot; book and do some modifying if you want.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">1.) We workout 3x a week. There's no sense doing more - no research has proven that any more than that has had significant changes. 3 tops it.</div>
no! every second day ! look at the studies about protein synthesis for example !

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">won't be wasting any of their time lifting baby weights that absolutely do nothing for hypertrophy.

First, deloading. You've got to deload somewhat, if you've been banging weights a long time. No doubt about that. Calling it &quot;SD&quot; makes it a little &quot;mysterious&quot;, but whatever, that's what noobs here will probably expect. So we decondition with SD, not just deload.</div>
sd, you can like it or not, but i see on myself and many others are seeing gains with these &quot;submaximal&quot; weights ! the shorter the sd is, then the beginning weights must be higher !!!! so you dont lift so long like YOU think with these low weights!
but sd is disputed, when i`m right mentioning, there are NO studies about SD. (are i`m right you other experts, colby,fax og and so on ?)
deloading is a good point to go with, but a sd works fine too !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and when you are doing a hst cycle and a hst cycle and a hst cycle... maybe every cycle for 10-12 weeks a sd is FINE between the cycles and it works you mofo ! dont speak about things you dont have tested !!!!!

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">2.) Compounds - lots of them. We have many complex muscle groups, and each can perform different functions. For better overall development, you can't just stick to the 3 biggest compounds. Those three will make you grow for sure, but you would experience significantly greater results with a lot more compounds. So here they are, and we'll also throw in a few isolations:
-Flat Bench
-Incline Bench
-DB Triceps Extensions (Skullcrushers)
-Lat pulldowns / wide grip chins
-Narrow grip chins
-Incline Hammer curls
-Barbell / Dumbbell rows
ACCEPTED !!! no one says other things !
(but in my opinion, no need for abs, when doing squats the right way !!!!)

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">The order you do them is irrelevant</div>
accepted when you are using weights like a 12 year old girl !
but with heavy weights that is crap !
for example making all trizeps exercises before bench pressing... crap ! abs or down back exercises before squatting...crap! (you need them to stabilize)
i think you see what i mean....

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Jump right ahead to the start of your 5's. Here's an example:
-Your 5rm is 300
-You increment by 10 pounds for that exercise
-Your progression is: 250, 260, 270, 280, 290, 300
-Do 250 for week 1
-Do 260 for week 2
-Do 270 for week 3
-Do 280 for week 4
-Do 290 for week 5
-Do 300 for week 6 onwards.</div>
if i wanna do this, i would mnake a 5x5 system, like bill stars....
but hey whey not, thats one way to go, from many ways. but where do you know that nobody is here lenghten his cycle up like this way or similar, something like that !!! ;-) (for sure, at the end of a hst cycle, after the 5rm day, i see no problem in this, because the rbe is setting in not so fast with heavy weights like the rbe is doing with lighter weights.)

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Your entire cycle should be at least 4 months (approx 17 weeks).</div>
man thats crazy, why can you say that ? thats crap like written in the flex magazine! are you joe weider ? lets look, a newbie is reading this, and after 12weeks he makes absolutely no progress ! he is going to use 17 weeks anyway ! so please say whats the point:
your cycle tooks so long, like you can make progress ! if not, what will we do ? - right ! we will make a deloading phase or a sd phase !

OH HOOOOLY **** ! I see you know it:
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"> Now that it's been at least 17 weeks, you can now deload or decondition with SD.</div>
yeah that is right ! but hey, why do you advice for a sd ?? i thought you were totally against this ? ;-) like mentioned in another thread, not many people here are sd`ing every 8 weeks !

ah, ok !:
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I further recommend not to SD at all - just deload. That way, you also get the benefit of healing your joints with lactic acid buildup.</div>

questions for you:
a) going to failure or not ?
b) how many sets with 5reps ?

my thoughts:
a) a little bit to much exercises !!
b) the point is that sd really works for hypertrophy (where are the studies?
) , so make an sd at the end of the cycle. after two weeks sd you can lift lighter and it will produce grow !! do you ever was ill for some weeks and lifted again ? after this two weeks break, beginning with lighter weights is better, so you can better reach a new better rm ! ( hey, its like 5x5 here, and that works). if you are yousing Higher weights after a 2 week break (sd) you must be aware of reaching a plateau (the chance of a plateau is higher).

NOW ! Please understand, hst are only the four principles (sorry cant write them in english without looking at the homepage)

and that hst is not about sets and reps ! so the vanilla hst routine with some compounds and weeks of 15/10/5 ............................. is only a example !!!!! (that works too

LOOK, how many people are out there who can`t make there own training programs? so for these people you must write an example ! these people wont know the sciience, these people will be adviced what they have to do and that exactly !!

and NOW look at the other program &quot;max-stimulation&quot; , that is a other form of hst ! ;-)
Guaranteed to work! No-one who's used this routine has put on less than 30 pounds in 4 months! Of course, no-one has used that routine before.

Geez, dude, coming here with a routine you haven't even tried yourself... criticising another routine you haven't tried. I didn't realise hot air counted towards LBM.

What a putz.
My favorite iteration to date is what apparently came to be called 'cluster' HST, the non-German style.

But whatever, the 15/10/5 program is just a default program that will serve people will. You could come up with a zillion iteration of 'what works.'
(Real_Deal @ Jul. 11 2006,05:44)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Noobs ...........BLA BLAH BLAH........
There. That's a better HST routine.

-The Real Deal</div>
Blah Blah Blah
Usually try to avoid blatant troll threads, but I think you all missed a serious problem with his program. It relies on strength increases at the end of the cycle to keep the load increasing. If that's the case then the order of the exercises does matter as pairing up lifts that hit antagonists will generally lead to better strength gains on the whole. If I recall there are some studies in favor of this posted on the HR site or message boards, decreased neural inhibition being a reasoning behind the pairing being more conducive to strength gains.