Really confused about # of sets...


New Member
I'm really confused about this suggestion by Bryan regarding # of sets. I just don't understand this. Does this mean that one would be completing only 5 reps per exercise in the last week of 5's? And why would the total reps be different in week one for 10's (20 reps) vs. week 2 (10 reps)? As far as total volume per exercise, this suggestion has me very confused. Any help much appreciated.
Thank you.
[FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman][FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman][/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman][FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]"I suggest you do 2 sets per exercise during the 15s. Then do 2 sets during the first week of 10s, and 1 set during the second week of 10s. Then do 2 sets during the first week of 5s, and finish doing one set (after warm ups of course) during the last week of 5s."

Yes, you will be doing exactly as Bryan says in that sentence if you decide to follow his suggestion.
The idea behind the suggestion is that due to the gradual progression of weights your first week of your 10RM/5RM is considerably lighter than your actual 10RM/5RM. Therefore, it is easy enough to do 2 complete sets without "forcing the issue", so to speak.

On your 2nd week of 10's or 5's, you are approaching your actual 10RM or 5RM. This is supposed to be heavy enough that you are just able to do the 10 reps or 5 reps, so the additional set is not required any more as per the original suggestion.

You can simply try to do another set if you feel like it to keep it constant, or stop short of failure if your second set cannot complete the expected number of reps (such as 6 instead of 10 or 3 instead of 5)

Either way, it's not a particular day in the gym that will make or break your progress - it's the bigger picture that matters (that is, being consistent with your routine, eating right, getting enough rest, avoiding injury, etc), so in your particular problem here, just choose whatever approach you like (keeping the 2 sets, doing just 1 set, or doing the second set only until able).
The 2 sets/1 set is just a suggestion of a way to implement the progression.

Many of us on here, myself included, prefer the 1 set of 15reps (both weeks), 2 X 10reps, and 3 X 5reps 'formula'. This is more consistent in total reps, if that is what you aim for.
It is discussed on the Simplify and Win thread - a great place for people new to HST to find the answers they are looking for.

Find a plan that you like, and stick with it.

Hope this helps

Thanks very much for all the responses. They helped clarify alot. I have to let go of the idea that there is only one way to implement the HST idea. I actually think this latitude allows for everyone to see what works best for them. Thanks again.