Really High Frequency/Volume + Low Intensity Cycle Q (New to HST)


New Member
I just finished a strict strength cycle (4-6 Rep Ranges) on basically compound lifts and few isolation exercises and I am trying out HST given it's inclination towards higher rep ranges and it's progression into the lower ones focused on hypertrophy. I think I will benefit greatly from such as I didn't gain much size during my previous cycle.

HST lays out 6 sessions within the 15 rep ranges until I switch to the 10s and then onto the 5s. It advices to do these EOD, however, I was wondering if I could do two sessions a day thus finishing the 15s cycle in 3 days. I'd move onto the 10s, 3 more days and then onto the 5s. I'd skip the negative parts and go back to 15s using the same weights as before but with something like a 5-10% increase.

15s sessions would be 14 exercises, 2 sets each on a 3/2 cadence in the AM and the same during the PM.
Same with 10s and 5s.

I started this today, and will continue to do so unless I'm advised otherwise (properly).
I dont think you understand the concept of HST. Why would you do 75% in the AM and 80% in the PM when your body has already created enough microtrauma for the day. Your muscles take 48hrs to recover from muscle damage generally, not 10 or 12 hrs which is what i assume your aiming for. The only exemption would be if you werent getting enough micro trauma from your first session, which would mean that you could increase the volume and split the sets of the one workout into an AM/PM workout. This would mean that the AM/PM would consist of the same percentage (eg 75%) therefore prolonging the routine for the same 6 workouts for each 2 week block.

Whats the actual reasoning for this idea?
I dont think you understand the concept of HST. Why would you do 75% in the AM and 80% in the PM when your body has already created enough microtrauma for the day. Your muscles take 48hrs to recover from muscle damage generally, not 10 or 12 hrs which is what i assume your aiming for. The only exemption would be if you werent getting enough micro trauma from your first session, which would mean that you could increase the volume and split the sets of the one workout into an AM/PM workout. This would mean that the AM/PM would consist of the same percentage (eg 75%) therefore prolonging the routine for the same 6 workouts for each 2 week block.

Whats the actual reasoning for this idea?

I read somewhere on this forum that given you stick to a low enough %RM that still causes hypertrophy, you could get away with increased frequency like that. How can you gauge if you got enough microtrauma or not?
why do you want to get away with increased frequency? especially if whats already established (basic HST) works fine?
Your plan (to me) seems like a fast track to over training. I'd recommend you do basic HST first so that you have a bench mark on your abilities (recovery, frequency, volume etc). Then if you want to tweak things for your second cycle go ahead. More isnt always better.
why do you want to get away with increased frequency? especially if whats already established (basic HST) works fine?
Your plan (to me) seems like a fast track to over training. I'd recommend you do basic HST first so that you have a bench mark on your abilities (recovery, frequency, volume etc). Then if you want to tweak things for your second cycle go ahead. More isnt always better.

Because I like being in the gym. I don't think I'd hit overtraining while I'm burning 3k a day and consuming 4k instead. You assume I need to run a cycle of HST for me to have a benchmark on my abilities a.k.a knowing the way in which my body responds? I don't agree.

Today went great and I feel my metabolism's just starting to settle at a much higher rate, eating even more while leaning out. I didn't go full on the 14 exercises today, I performed 10 instead (lagging BParts). Tomorrow I'll increase the weight as basic HST calls for. I'm basically doing this:

Full HST with settled weights on day one
Only ten or so exercises with the same weights from day one on day two
Increased weights on day three
I'm not certain on the routine your actually doing. So i cant really say if its wrong or right. All i can say is that it generally takes 48hrs for a body part to recover. If your creating enough micro trauma in a body part on monday then expecting it to recover enough by the next day for optimal hypertrophy. Then I'd say you need to do more reading.

The only way that would work is if you didn't create enough micro trauma on Monday, in which case increasing the volume or working load on Monday would be your best option. As with your calorie intake, i don't know your stats. However, I'd suggest finding your maintenance and the right ratio of macros and increasing the total calories by 10% - 20% for adequate gains. Any higher and your body will just store the remaining calories as fat. For naturals at least.
Progressing through each 2 week block in that way is going to burn you out a lot faster. It is unlikely you will be able to lift your RM in the evening if you just lifted 95% of it in the morning.

Anyway, condensing the 2 week blocks isn't really ideal for hypertrophy.

It amazes me how many people want to re-invent the wheel, so far you got pretty good advice even from some beginners.

I'd stick to once a day, unless you split your routine into 2 so 7 am and another 7 in the pm, gotta take a break...every other day...that is mandatory!

Otherwise go back to "vanilla HST" can't hurt, serious!!!!

Guys...serious...try the proper HST first before you go onto this and that! Its worth the try believe me.