reassessing volume


New Member
OK. So I've been guilty of stupidity when it comes to volume. I'm trying to plan a cycle that actually adheres to Bryan's recommendations more closely.

What I think most guys do: 1X15/2X10/3X5

Are we talking two exercises per chest, for example, 3X5, gives 6 sets of chest per work out.

18 sets of chest per week.

Thats kind of high no?

Unless we mean doing 3X5 for ONE exercise for chest only, for example.

Then there is what Bryan recommends in the FAQs as a starting point (2 sets in the first week of a mesocycle, and then 1 in the second week)

That would give for chest, 12 sets of chest for a week, and then 6. Sounds more reasonable I think?

Need directives here!

My own guess thus far, based on Lyle's bulking routine and HST faqs is that for us non drug users, a total of 14 heavy (e.g. 5's) sets for chest or back or whatever per week, would be a practical maximum.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Increase volume if:

You are never sore
You are never tired
You are not growing

Maintain volume if:

You are slightly sore most of the time
You are tired enough to sleep well, but not so tired you lose motivation to train.
You are noticeably “fuller”

Decrease volume if:

You are experiencing over use pain, and strain symptoms in joints and/or muscles.
You are tired and irritable all the time, yet don’t sleep well.
Strength levels are significantly decreasing. </div>

I've always thought that was the best advice I could find... volume is simply a function of recovery and your needs will change over time (just my opinion).
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I've always thought that was the best advice I could find... volume is simply a function of recovery and your needs will change over time (just my opinion).</div>
I've found I've had to do less volume now I'm on reduced cals. I am doing 3 work sets for 5s at the most.

I try to think in terms of total reps more than sets. Also, I'm aware that as the loads increase the reps speeds drop. That means that TUT per rep increases. So even if my total rep count drops off towards the end of the cycle, TUT hasn't dropped off as much as it might seem just from looking at the number of reps completed.

Even when bulking, I usually cut volume back as each mesocycle continues. So for 5s, I might do 4 or 5 sets during the first week and drop to three by the end of the second (probably clustering reps into sets of 3 after the first set) then for post 5s I'll drop to 3s and start doing 5 sets and then after a few weeks of 3s I'll end up doing 3 sets of 3 before SDing and starting over. During the 5s and beyond I'll probably add in some 15s too just for a bit of high rep work. Nothing too taxing though.
thanks for the replies guys

I just have a hunch, that for me, when I focusing on gaining and stop cutting, I'm going to get much better results by not going volume crazy

I'm interested in what you guys do, total, per body part.

As in, how many sets of chest, or back, total, per week, regardless of number of exercises?
I do a simplified routine, Deadlift, Bench, Chin and uprights alternated with Squats, Dips (or lately DB bench), rows and OHP. 1x15, 1.5x10 (one set of 10 and one of 5) and 3x5. I workout three times a week.
The first days of each mesocycle, when the weight are lighter I do slower reps, paused reps and increase volume usually by adding isos (because they are fun). Near the end of the mesocycle with RMs or even new PRs CNS fatigue starts to build up even without the isos. I still haven't solved this. Keeping the volume accumulates fatigue, losing volume feels like not enough work is being done.
Actually I am stuck in a limbo right now, I am playing around with a EOD style recomp. By next month I'll get a BF check take measurements and decide exactly were to go. But regarding the volume, it happened/happens to me both now and bulking, of course not so much during the bulk but it was still noticeable.