Recovery for those over 50


New Member
Howdy Bro’s

I’ve been looking for any research about recovery for guys over 50.
I’ve found some, but it is for those who haven’t worked out nearly all their lives like me.
None of it fits my situation.
I’ve been a BB’er since I was in my early teens and I’m 56 now.
Been doing HST since 04 and still going strong.
I’m in better shape that most 30 yo’s that I meet. Since most never wo.

Hey Dan and Brian.


Eat a cow
Save a chicken .

Deus unus me iudicare potest
Hi Sonny

I have been lifting for over 50 years and am now 63. I find that less volume and frequency is required or I "overtrain" or "under-recover". Now I work each major body part twice per week with a typical bodypart getting 1 set of 4 different exercises two times per week. Bi's and Tri's only get two sets each per week since they are over-developed anyway.

Have your test levels checked. I did and they came in at 70 ng/dl which is probably lower than some active women. Ergo, Androgel came to my rescue and I now run in the 800 ng/dl range which is no where near assisted body builder levels but is the high end of the normal range and very high for an old fart. I immediately noticed a pick up in strength, recoverability, libido and desire to work out again at peak levels.

Also, despite what some doctors say, I find I need more sleep now than when I was younger. Under 7 hours and I will nod off in the afternoon. I try and go for 9 hours.

I also avoid a lot of simple carbs. They sap my energy.

My cycles usually last about 6 weeks and then I take a full 14 day SD. I don't have a lot of growth left in me but it sure is nice to maintain what I have with very little effort. I could probably cut down to once per week and maintain but I think my endurance would suffer.

Welcome back old hoss.

(Old and Grey @ Oct. 19 2008,11:18)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Have your test levels checked. I did and they came in at 70 ng/dl which is probably lower than some active women. Ergo, Androgel came to my rescue</div>
Hi, kid,

I gotta go with O&amp;G: there are few things that will help your recovery more than a little bit of Androgel. Consider it a part of &quot;Better Living through Modern Chemistry&quot;.

It's even a help for you young guys.  
O&amp;G you ole fart .

I haven't talk to you in a coon's age.
How have you been old friend?
I hope the world is treating you good.
Well I go with a couple of cycles of HST then I get bored
and change up and do something else.
I'm also on my own HRT test-e and sometime suston 250.
At 56 I need all the help i can get.
Here is my routine.
I like what I’m doing , but I get where I don’t want to change.
I like to keep mostly compound exercise.
Monday –Thursday
Military press
Upward Rows
Standing Sideways External Rotations
Bench Press
Inclines Flies
High Cable Crossovers
Rope Push Downs
French Press w/ H-bar

Tuesday Friday
Barbell Curl
Concentration Curl
Preacher Curl
Lat Pull downs
Seated Rows
Standing Pull overs
Hack Squat (on sled )
Leg Press
Calf Raises
It has always worked for me and still does, just here lately I feel burnt out.

I do crunches everyday.
I have to be very careful with my shoulders and knees.
I’ve had surgery on one shoulder and one knee.

See Ya

Save a Chicken
Eat a Cow
(TunnelRat @ Oct. 19 2008,7:06)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">
Consider it a part of &quot;Better Living through Modern Chemistry&quot;.

It's even a help for you young guys.  
Do you need Modern Chemistry?
Even you re getting old you can still gain good mass
Greetings fellow lifters

Where can I find &quot;quality&quot; information regarding supplementation for the 50'ish group? I think Sonny basically asked the same question.

1. I am on my second HST cycle

2. Wife is a retired professional bodybuilder - so nutrition is under wraps

IE: What is recommended for us &quot;not 25 years old anymore&quot; guys.

I think TR's point is that if your test levels are abnormaly low, you should take prescribed medicine to bring the levels to within normal range, no matter what your age. He is not proposing the abuse of &quot;modern chemistry&quot;. The same would hold true if you had an under-active thyroid gland. You should take a thyroid extract or synthroid to bring your levels up to normal. However, to take an over abundance of the drug in an attempt to &quot;lean out&quot; is not a good idea.

Master, I go to an Endochronologist. I would be fearful of putting anything into my delicately balanced endo-system based on the advice of an amateur. However, lots of people do without apparent ill effects so what do I know?

There are a littany of studies on strength recovery but honestly they won't do a bit of good for you.

What I would do is monitor your workout to workout strength and if it's suffering noticeably then you are doing too much of something, volume, intensity, frequency. or cycle length. Adjust, wash, rinse and repeat until you find your sweet spot. There really isn't a one size fits all solution to this.
That was what I was afraid of.
My recovery varies month to month and it is hard to find a definitive recovery period.
Hence, I have to adapt to the ever changing signals that I’m receiving.
Anyways! Thanks .


PS: what happen to your avatar?
(Sonny @ Oct. 24 2008,9:14)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">My recovery varies month to month and it is hard to find a definitive recovery period.

PS: what happen to your avatar?</div>'s a beech

Seriously do what O&amp;G said have your levels tested, just in case. Also keep a log for a few months and see if there is any correlation to something else going on in your life, it could be stress related or something else.

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