Regarding Plateau / Stall with HST

Hi everyone,I'm brand spankin new on this forum and finally can post new threads. Although I sent this question to Totentanz via PM (and he was nice enough to answer), I still would like to post it so people who are knowledgeable about training and help answer it and maybe others have this question in the back of their mind as well. If Bryan has time to chime in, would be awesome.1. Can I do HST (as laid out with 1 set 15, 2 set 10, and 3 set 5 w/ 1-2 exercises per bodypart) cycle after cycle without reaching any plateau / stall, or would a plateau inevitably show up after a number of HST cycles?2. IF my lifts do plateau/stall after numerous cycles with HST, what variables would you switch to continue progression.These question assume that nutrition and protein intake and rest is proper for muscle growth.
I think whatever Totentanz has told you will probably be the best answer to your question, there is a reason he is a HST expert.

that being said I will offer my 2 cents:

The HST principles are designed so that you don't hit a plateau, however there is a number of reasons you may hit one for example poor diet, too much volume, not recovering between workouts etc.

As a plateau could be caused by any number of reasons you should probably worry about this problem if you ever actually hit a plateau, that way you can assess what may be hindering your progress.