Rep Cadence


New Member
This is my second week of 10's on my first HST cycle.

At the moment on 10's the reps are nice and continous, lift the weight, slight pause at the top to count the rep then lower under control and repeat.

I'm wondering when I hit 5's if I should I continue with the continous style cadence or go to rest pause and add more weight, continous means a lot less weight but they definatley fell better.

What's better for hypertrophy, continous style reps or rest pause with more weight?

Perhaps it would it be a good idea to do 2 weeks on 5's continous reps and then go to rest pause as an intensity builder for another two weeks?

I train alone at home in a powerrack, so most negs are out.

Any thoughts or recommendations?

HST seems to be working, I've added around 7lb and gained half an inch on my arms, waist is up a bit but not too bad.

Hi Phil,

Welcome aboard!

I'm only on my second HST cycle so there will be others here who can speak from far more experience.

My take on your situation would be to do the 5s with your usual cadence and then after completing the 5s you could up the weight again and cluster your reps or do rest-pause. If you can do negs for any of your exercises then do them in preference to the other methods. Don't forget that using your 5RMs for a further 2 weeks is still effective if you can't do negs.

Also, you may find that you are stronger at the end of your 5s than when you originally tested your maxes, so you might be able to up the weight a bit for a few workouts and still get your 5 reps.

All the best and do let us all know how you get on.
