Rep Ranges for Isolation Exercises


New Member
During the 5's, should I keep doing 10 reps for isolation exercises? or would these exercises benefit from 5 reps as well?
Switch to 5s for the additional strain and stretch. You can always add in a set of 10s with a lighter load for a bit of a pump if you fancy it.

For me I only got decent arm growth when I went to 5s and to negs for my arm isos. Also, try a set of 20 Max-Stim reps for a set of bb-curls with your 5RM. Awesome!  
i never drop below 8 reps on iso,s i just dont feel anything, plus you can easily injure yourself on  certain exercises going heavy. ie 50-60lbs dbs on side laterals could really mess your shoulders up. more importantly i find that going heavy on say curls tends to bring alot of other bodyparts into it..

however lol's suggestion to try 20 reps max stim would be interesting.
(lcars @ Oct. 23 2008,6:39)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">more importantly i find that going heavy on say curls tends to bring alot of other bodyparts into it..

however lol's suggestion to try 20 reps max stim would be interesting.</div>
Well, I think if you are using your true 5RM load for curls then you should manage 5 proper reps without too much cheating/body language. And that would be the last workout of the 5s, so all the previous workouts during the 5s should see you quite able to do sets of 5 across. The 5RM workout might only allow one full set of 5 but then I would tend to do Max-Stim reps from then on (or do sets of 3 strict reps plus negs with dbs). I got my best arm growth ever doing this.

I definitely recommend trying Max-Stim reps for bb curls if you haven't done so. Start out with your 8RM and increase the load each session. Your M-time between reps should increase throughout the set; start out with just a few seconds between reps and increase the time so you keep fatigue down enough to get the next rep. It becomes instinctive after a few sessions.

Like lcars said, you do have to be careful doing isos with heavy weights as an arm or shoulder injury can take a long time to heal and can really mess up your training. Keep your form good and you should be fine. Increasing loads beyond what you can safely manage is likely to catch you out eventually. If you are hitting your upper-body compounds hard you shouldn't need to do a lot of iso work.
(Joe.Muscle @ Oct. 23 2008,5:18)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Lcars..i haven't been following your log or anything how is your training coming...are you bulking or cutting?</div>
i just got fed up of posting everyday lol so i dont update my log at the moment. im cutting , down to around 11-12% just about 5lbs or so to go to reach 10%, i plan on holding it there.

basically wanting to get a six pack for once in my life.

i ditched carbs almost completely for a while and the weight dropped off, thats without cardio too.however i was gettin close becoming catabolic , so ive slowed the cut down now.

@lol i might give maxstim a try cos i just dont seem to get anything when i go heavy, maybe its the overall TUT. perhaps i should do 5 sets of my 5rm instead of 3.