Rep Schemes


New Member
What rep sheme do you use for your HST routine? For the first two weeks do you do 1x15, the next two weeks - 2x10, and the next two weeks 3x5? 3 sets of 5 for every exercises seems like that would take like an hour and a half to do at the least.
You got the reps right.

however and hour and a half is way too long.

Let take a closer look

say you are using 3 sets for all big group of muscle (ie Chest Back, shoulders and legs) well this equals 12 sets total. Then throw in there 2 sets for arms. Well now we are at 14 sets total.

14 sets say it takes 1 minute to do the reps which it will not but just say so for easy math. And you take 1 min rest between sets. You are only at 28 minutes for the entire routine...even if by chance it took you twice this only you are still at 58 mins.

Now myself I do up to 20 sets per workout and I am in the gym and out in 40 this shouldnt be a problem.
Alright so here is my routine:

Bench Press
Bent OverBB Rows
DB Shoulder Press
EZ Bar Curls
Standing Calf-Raises

Now when i get to weeks 5 and 6 which is the time when i do 5 reps. I'll do 3 sets for Squats, Bench Press, SLDL, and DB Shoulder Press and do 2 sets for the rest? Is this correct?
That will work fine.

Just looked at your stats realized that you are 15 years this routine should do you wonders if you eat enough.

Since you are young and I am guessing your metabolism is racing fast...make sure you eat every day lots and lots of food. Get as much protein as possible.

AT your age the sky is the can make great gains.

Good luck and pm me and let me know how it goes after your 1st cycle.

I find that my workouts take a fair bit longer in the 5s (I do 3 sets of 5 for most of my 11 exercises). For the heavy stuff like squats and deads I just rest while my partner takes his turn, but, towards the end of the w/o when I'm onto arms, I try to do calves while my arms are recovering. Speeds things up a a bit.

If the gym was busy it did take me an hour and a half to get through all my sets (esp. if I added a high rep metabolic set here and there too). Whilst taking an hour and a half didn't seem to spoil my progress, it did seem like a long time.

What I am trying to do this cycle is to streamline as much as possible so that there is less waiting time and swapping from station to station. So, for example, I now do standing shoulder presses using the same bar that I've just used for shrugs rather than faffling around with the Smith machine and swapping benches about. It's been a great timesaver and the exercise feels better too.

During the 15s I generally do one (but sometimes two) sets per exercise which takes about 30-40 mins tops. I try to move around as swiftly as possible whilst avoiding throwing up!  
During 10s I do 2 sets of everything which usually takes just shy of an hour.

Best thing is to keep your workout to a length that you enjoy and which doesn't leave you feeling too drained so experiment this cycle and see how you get on.
I could superset my last two exercises (SkullCrushers and Standing Calf Raises during my 3 sets of 5 reps weeks to speed things up a tad). Thanx for all the advice so far.
to add to Lol, a lot of time can be saved Streamlining the routine.

Like he said dont spend a lot of time swapping benches out and waiting on machines.

Pick a routine that will flow nicely and convenient for your workout area or gym.

an advice (and I have also a 15 year old kid who is dying for lifting)..... it is ok to start now lifting weight but please do not take cratine nor glutamine..... our body already produces that in enough quantities...... we, the grown up people (I don't want to use the word old
) have a different metabolism and our systems are completely developed since ages ago.... but you are still in the making, still developing..... so, keep away from suplements, except for multivataimins, vitamin C. etc.

Also, this is the time for you to adquire a good and sound set of habits... the best one I can give you is.... don't worry about what the girl next to you at the gym will think if you are lifting 10 lbs in bench press.... don't try to go beyond your capabilities, otherwise you can screw it badly.... start patiently with low reps and KEEP GOOD FORM"... do not swing nor sway the DB's during curls or lateral raises, etc.... and before you even think about trying any form of squat or .deadlift go to your gym's personal trainer or coach.... if not available ask any of the experienced guy to give you the fundamentals..... if nobody, then don't try it.... it is important in these exercises to keep your eyes at a spot ahead and above you... the moment you look down your lower back will be gone and your torture will start until the end of time.

good luck... and I wish I were your age...... as somebody said... you have the world at your feet......cheers.... by the way, did you do your homework already ??, he he he
Well I dont take glutamine or creatine. The only supplements I take are whey protein and a multivitamin. Also, I workout at my house with my dad spotting me. He is a big time weight lifter too.