replacing pulldowns with pullups for Post 5s


New Member
Am into my 6th week of my first HST cycle. Just finished my 5s today. Anyway, I was wondering if I could replace my lat pulldowns with body weight pullups. This is as my lat pulldown 5RM is just 5kg more than my bodyweight. Is this ok?
Sure it is!

YOu could still try negatives wit great benefits, just use your legs and a chair or bench to get your self back up!
Yeah, I don't see a problem at all. The good thing is that the eccentric part will be a bit harder with a pullup compared with a machine pulldown (how much depends on machine used) as there is no machine friction from pulleys & cables to get in the way.

As it's a slightly different movement I would go with bodyweight for your first post-5s session and then keep adding 5lbs each session (use a weight belt) until you can just make 5 reps. Then either stick with that weight or keep adding weight but switch to doing negatives.

I think if it was me I would switch to close-grip chins with an underhand grip rather than a pullup. Chins really pull on your lats while giving your biceps a hammering at the same time.
I agree with both Fausto and Lol. Switching to chins instead of pulldowns for negatives is a great idea. They are much easier to do negative fashion and negative chins are great for lat growth. Also, I'm sure there will be some significant strength carry over into your pulldowns.
I agree, chins/pull-ups are far superior to pulldowns. I would use negatives and if possible, increase the weight at least 2.5 per workout.
When doing pull/chin ups, how do you guys factor in the weight intervals? I mean, say you can't even do 10 pull ups with your body weight are you going to decrease the weight so you can do 15 reps?
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I mean, say you can't even do 10 pull ups with your body weight are you going to decrease the weight so you can do 15 reps?</div>

You could use a weight assisted machine or you could cluster your reps to get to the desired rep range.

Here's what I posted on another thread:

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I was hesitant to put pull ups in my HST routine because of my weakness, but I figured out a way.

-During the 15's, I put both feet (toes) on a step ladder behind me, using my legs as assistance to help me get up. There was no progression through the 15's. I did them all that way.

-For the first week of the 10's, I put both feet (heels) on the ladder in front of me. I did not assist myself on the way up, but just supported myself.

-During the second week of the 10's and the first two workouts of the 5's, I progressed by first dropping down to one leg supported, then one leg supported +10# backback, then one leg supported +20# backpack.

-Last night, my third workout in the 5's, I progress to full body weight. I was able to do two sets of 5, then a set of 4, then after a couple seconds rest, I did one more pull up. </div>

For my last two workouts in the 5's, I'm going to wear a ten pound backpack. If that's too rough, I may only do two sets of tens.

For negatives, 15 or 20 pounds in the backpack should do for starters, then I will increment from there. It will be esy to step up to the bar on a teo ladder, lower myself down, then repeat.