reps increase but same weight?

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ok guys. i have searched until my brain feels like its about to pour out through my eyeballs. so heres the question. im trying to stretch out my cycle as far as i possibly can. im in the second week of tens. now, what im wanting to know is, if i am curling a 25lb. dumbell for 8 reps. then the next workout i reach 9 reps. then the next get 10 reps. that makes 3 workouts with the same weight BUT i increased 1 rep each workout. would i get more hypertrophy from adding 1 rep each workout with the SAME weight. or would the amount of hypertrophy still be the same if i just stayed at 8 reps with 25 lbs. for 3 workouts? the deal here is, i havent lifted in almost 6 years. i have lost approximately 45 lbs. of mass and i have about the same fat that i had then. this is the first time i have used hst and i know how to set up the cycles the RIGHT way but for curls i cant curl much weight for ten reps yet. i used to curl 80 lbs for 3 sets of 6-8 reps and this really is discouraging. im not focused on the power going up right now cause i get strong real quick when i change the program to something similar to what i used to do. im trying to emphasize the outer-head on my bi's right now and im not 100 percent sure that it is truly possible to do. from what i read on here you can grow with a weight for 3 or 4 workouts before rbe catches up BUT i would like to figure out if you can get more hypertrophy FROM those 3-4 workouts if you are ABLE to increase 1 rep each workout with the same weight. thanks alot guys. i would post alot more but theres so many more people on here that are so experienced and have learned about hst than me that i dont really think theres much use in me saying anything yet.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">if i am curling a 25lb. dumbell for 8 reps. then the next workout i reach 9 reps. then the next get 10 reps. that makes 3 workouts with the same weight BUT i increased 1 rep each workout. would i get more hypertrophy from adding 1 rep each workout with the SAME weight. or would the amount of hypertrophy still be the same if i just stayed at 8 reps with 25 lbs. for 3 workouts?</div>
You curled 8x25, or 200 lbs.
Then you did 225 lbs.
Then you did 250 lbs. of work.
If you did 3 workouts of 8x25 you would have 200 lbs. 3 times.
I'm just sayin'.
Without progression you don't progress.
oh ok i think i understand what your saying then. so instead of playing around with an isolation exersice that i cant progress much weight with. i need to move to close grip chins or close grip pulldowns because ill be able to start lighter then progress with heavier weights. (cant do that with curls). so i guess quad gave me the perfect answer then. im not proggressing in load (weight) if i just move up in reps then im really not doing much right? thanks alot guys your really helping me out and i GREATLY appreciate it.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">now, what im wanting to know is, if i am curling a 25lb. dumbell for 8 reps. then the next workout i reach 9 reps. then the next get 10 reps. that makes 3 workouts with the same weight BUT i increased 1 rep each workout. would i get more hypertrophy from adding 1 rep each workout with the SAME weight. or would the amount of hypertrophy still be the same if i just stayed at 8 reps with 25 lbs. for 3 workouts?</div>

Progress damnit! Do the extra rep. Thats more mechanotransduction.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"> im not proggressing [sic] in load (weight) if i just move up in reps then im really not doing much right?</div>

woa, what? If you're just moving up in reps and not load then no, you are not increasing load. Duh. But that extra rep counts for something - you're adding work and one more instance of mechanical strain that sets off the hypertrophic response. The classical progression method is to increase from 10 reps to 12 or so reps. Once you are doing 12 - 14 reps with the load, you increase the load. Then you do it again - go from 10 reps at your new load until you get to 12 - 14 reps at which point you add weight again.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">i know how to set up the cycles the RIGHT way but for curls i cant curl much weight for ten reps yet.</div>

Our reading for today comes from the Book of Quantum, quotations section, paragraph three:

&quot;A weight not properly lifted is a muscle not properly stimulated.&quot;

You should do precisely ten. For six is not ten. Nor is eight. Both are less than ten and thus, not ten. And if you should go beyond ten you should increase the weight so that you cannot do more than ten. Because if it is more than ten then it is not ten. And you are doing 10's aren't you?

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">im trying to emphasize the outer-head on my bi's right now and im not 100 percent sure that it is truly possible to do.</div>

&quot;During elbow flexion, motor units in the lateral portion of the long head of the biceps are preferentially activated, whereas during forearm rotation, motor units in the medial portion are preferentially activated (Ter Harr Romeny, et al. 1984).&quot;

In the book Muscle Meets Magnet (now sold under the title &quot;Target Bodybuilding&quot;) by Per A. Tesch, page 37, standing biceps curls with a neutral grip causes preferential activation of the lateral (aka long, aka outer) biceps head over the medial head and the brachialis.

Do you believeth now?
I see what your saying. thank you for your post QuantumPositron.
ok guys im doing the close grip chins . i know it may sound like im a beginner and dont know much but, when you perform the exercise do you bring your chin to meet the bar, or take your chin above the bar? the reason i ask is because i read an article several years ago that bringing your chin to meet the bar is just as effective as going above the bar.?
The dumbest questions are ones not asked.
I go high as possible to train for it, knowing that when I start adding 60-100 lbs onto the belt I won't be able to go all the way up - I just think I get a little higher by always trying for the full ROM. This way I end up with a possibly better ROM under the big loads. Lats like a full ROM for development.