rest periods if work requires some lifting


New Member
Hi I am a server and so I am on my feet for several hours a day and have to lift trays containing probably 20 - 30 pounds over and over. I really want to try hst but I don't know how the constant stressing of my muscles would affect it.
As it is now I take tuesday and thursday off and work the rest of the days in the week. I work my arms on wednesday as I figure I've let them rest on tuesday and they will get to rest on thursday. But with HST they would be worked on monday, wednesday, and friday they would get rest the next day after two of those workouts but then they would be worked all weekend. I would switch jobs if I could but I have to wait for my girlfriend to finish college so we can move and then I should be able to find something in my field.
Should I not mess with HST or does anyone think it won't be that big of a deal? I also sometimes have to work at night instead of mornings and so I have to go to the gym before I work. Is that going to also hinder my progress since I'm stressing the muscles more after they were already pushed at the gym earlier in the day?
Thanks for reading
Don't worry about it joeballs. I'm sure the muscle recruitement from heavy compound exercises and curls are much greater than waiting tables. I mean you don't have 20 inch arms already do you? HST also does not believe in overtraining muscles, therefore you arent really putting your progress at much jeopardy unless you are picking up plates to failure. Don't wait to try HST, I think youll be very happy with the results whether you are serving or not.

Also if you are going to work after you hit the gym make sure you just take a protein shake or a protein meal with adequate protein and carbs so you do not catabolize at work....

Joe G
2) Acute vs. Chronic Stimuli
In order for the loading to result in significant hypertrophy, the stimulus must be applied with sufficient frequency to create a new "environment", as opposed to seemingly random and acute assaults on the mechanical integrity of the tissue. The downside of taking a week of rest every time you load a muscle is that many of the acute responses to training like increased protein synthesis, prostaglandins, IGF-1 levels, and mRNA levels all return to normal in about 36 hours. So, you spend 2 days growing and half a week in a semi-anticatabolic state returning to normal (some people call this recovery), when research shows us that recovery can take place unabated even if a the muscle is loaded again in 48 hours. So true anabolism from loading only lasts 2 days at best once the load is removed. The rest of the time you are simply balancing nitrogen retention without adding to it.

some guys train 6 days a week on hst :D