rest time for the routine in the best lat hst article

Are you referring to this article?

If so the program is an adaptation of the first 9 sessions of the Soviet Squat Routine to chins/pull-ups. It is designed to increase strength so a weight around your 95% rep max figure is used which necessitates fewer reps but more sets. Rest as long as needed to get all the prescribed sets. I find that about one minute between each set is more than sufficient.

If you are trying to improve your pull-ups you may also be interested in trying the Recon Ron Pullup Program described here:

or the Fighter Pullup Program downloadable from
Yeah i'm talking about the little 3wk block with the 6x2, 6x4 etc ok i'll do 30secs then a minute once i start getting tired. I dont really care or need to be able to do more than 8-10 pullups, which i can already do. I just want sexy lats :D We only have to do 6 strict pullups after the pt test in my unit as a nco.