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Well, I can't hold it in (no, not my belly)!

I'm about to start on 5s in my second cycle and progress, strength wise, has been going well. I've packed on a load of lbs too so, last night, I decided to measure my upper arms.

When I started my HST program back in Nov last year, I had hoped to attain 16" upper arms after about a year. At the time they measured just shy of 15" - after some press-ups and a set of light curls. I did the same again and remeasured. Blimey! My left arm was 16 3/8" and my right arm was 16 1/2" flexed. Then I measured my arms straight and the measurements dropped down to 14 1/2" and 14 5/8" respectively. So that's nearly a 2" difference between straight and flexed.

I was a bit worried that this increase was just down to lots of extra fat (my body weight has gone from around 175lb to just shy of 200lb) but I can still see my abs (although they are more blurry than before). I suppose some of it has to be fat but is a 2" differential OK?

I'm expecting things to slow down a bit as I have never had this kind of progress before in my life! My training partner is seeing similar gains too. At the end of this cycle I will take further measurements to see how the rest of me is doing.

I now have to set some new goals. So I'm going for 17" upper arms and being able to deadlift and squat with 400lbs.

A big "thank you" must go out to Bryan and all the other really helpful people on this forum!
Way to go. Goals are made to be attained... It's good that you immediately set new goals. It's also very cool that your partner is seeing great results too. And you're only just about to start the 5s? Are you doing negatives?
Yup. Negs were brilliant on the first cycle but we only got a single week in because the gym closed for the hols.
 This time we should get the full two weeks and if my joints are holding out I might extend them a further week, as I have to be away the week after which would fit in well with SD.

Last time I made my best gains during the 5s and negs but my body felt like it had been brutally beaten! :D

One other thing I forgot to mention was that I had been having some right shoulder pain prior to HST which was especially noticeable during bench. I had to warm up even on 15s! But now, the 15s have done their job superbly and I get no pain at all. Another
to HST!