Results after the end of 10's


New Member
So far i have put on about 3.5Kg of weight.I believe that it is mostly fat because my waist has gone up from 82.5cm to 85.5cm.My arm has gone from 33.5cm to 35.5cm but i don't know if i should be happy for this too.If i had put on 3Kg of fat shouldn't be possible that this increase is because of fat?I believe a lot of fat goes around arm.Also i was coming after a long diet which made my lose 12Kg and much strength(so i would say muscle too).

I don't feel any bit of strength increase.If i was putting on muscle shouldn't i have some strength increases?

My diet is in order.My protein intake is OK and i get around 7 hours of sleep..What do you think?Is it too soon to judge the program?
It is normal to gain 50/50 lean body mass/fat mass while bulking unless you have too high surplus. Also, coming of a diet there are issues with diet induced unbalances that will return to normal balance when calories are increased, mainly glycogen stores, which will also make the body store water. You may also have water retention issues that mimics 'fat' in the sense that you feel bloated. If your diet is not too rich in calories you may not be alarmed. Make sure you drink plenty water to flush out extra water. Water is a tricky 'problem', both on a diet and while bulking. To have gained 3,5 kg of fat in 4 weeks (end of 10s) is not probable, especially while doing frequent bouts of weight training.
I don't look or feel any better with this program compared to a standard 3-4 sets of 8-10 reps routine.Is it possible i will see the gains into the 5's?
I don't look or feel any better with this program compared to a standard 3-4 sets of 8-10 reps routine.Is it possible i will see the gains into the 5's?
You should take an appropriate amount of rest before starting a new HST cycle (or switching to it), on the order of 9-12 days. Wait till you get past your first macro-cycle, that's where the difference from most other training methods is normally felt. HST is a set of principles more than a program. Abiding by its rules will allow you to reach your genetic potential faster.
Hi Steropower

On my first HST cycle I didn't really see my gains until the end of my 5s and rather than doing negs I did a further 1 x week of 5's and 1 x week of 3s.

It would suggest your diet is out of synch if you are gaining too much fat, but as said above coming off a diet and striaght into training may also have something to do with it. I would see this cycle out and do a second cycle before coming to any conclusions.

Hi Steropower

On my first HST cycle I didn't really see my gains until the end of my 5s and rather than doing negs I did a further 1 x week of 5's and 1 x week of 3s.

It would suggest your diet is out of synch if you are gaining too much fat, but as said above coming off a diet and striaght into training may also have something to do with it. I would see this cycle out and do a second cycle before coming to any conclusions.


i agree x 2

youve gained close to 2lbs a week, maybe slow it down to gaining 1lb per week.
Hi Steropower

I have just started my 3rd cycle and have the following observations from my training

I have put on roughly 1/2 stone or 7lb of lean muscle each cycle, I started at 11 stone 5lb and I am now around 12 stone 2lb and my BF is down from around 18% to 16%. But I have had to play around with my diet as I can quite easily put more weight on but it just goes on as fat I was upto 12stone 6lb but 4lb of it was fat.

Strength wise I do not use this programme to gain strength as such but I do expect to increase my strength overall by the end of the 5s. So for example I got to 140kg on my deadlift in my last cycle and this cycle I will get to 150kg at either 2 x 5 or 3 x 3.

I keep a record of all my sessions and I will start each 2 week cycle in this HST programme at a higher weight than my last HST cycle. I am therefore increasing my strength overall at the end of each HST cycle by around 10 - 15%

I am also finding I am getting better results by only training weights twice a week, I split this into one session of "pull" compound exercises and one session of "push" compound exercises (have a read through the simplify to win thread). Ironically I have only found this out because I have been working away from home tue's to thur and cannot get to a gymn.

Hope some of the above helps

I have seen some strength increases at the end of 5's but are not better than simple older 3x8 routines.I am not stronger than before.I keep adding weights though.I will enter the 8th week of cycle.I believe this week i will see some better results.I still do 5's but i increase the weight each session a bit.
HI Steropwoer

Have you gained size above what you have seen on 3 x 8, dont forget the goal of HST is to increase size not necessarily strength.

I am not sure.I wasn't measuring bodyfat and musclemass before but i believe i haven't gained more because i had the same waist circumference as i had during my cut diet at the same weight.86cm waist and 72kg(as before HST).I started at 68kg and 82.5cm waist.For every kg i gain i add 1cm on my waist too... :(