Results are in: First HST Cycle


New Member
Just finished my first HST cycle and figured I would post my results here.

Just did a basic cycle this time around.

Rear delt

Part Before After

Right Bicep 15.5 16
Left Bicep 15.25 15.75
Waist 40-41 41
Right Quad 25 26
Left Quad 24.75 25.75
Chest (expanded) 47 49.5
Weight 205.8 214.2

I am sure these are not perfect measurements, etc. but I am happy with the results. Might have been a little too generous with my calories cause my gut absorbed some of it, lol. Will get that straigtened out next time going forward.

I took some pictures and will try to post. Try not to laugh too hard.

Good results. Are you sure you are a 41 inch waist though? Your waist doesn't look that big in the picture. Are you going to run another bulking cycle next?
Totentanz and Joe, you all are just being nice.
I have my gut sucked in a bit too. I wear size 36 pants but I measured around my navel?

I am planning on doing another bulk cycle for my next go around but open for suggestions?

yes make one or two bulk cycles and then go to cut a little bit bodyfat down!
i think your nice V-form would then come up very nice.

you can be pleased with your results, are you? from which training program do you come from?

Well done Keystone. 2.5" on your chest measurement in one cycle is superb. Your waist definitely doesn't look 41" if your chest is 49.5".

I haven't taken many measurements but I do keep an eye on things like my arms and waist. I mainly use my lift poundages as a guage to progress.

Are you going to be squatting and doing some kind of bent-over row next cycle or keeping to the same exercises?
Well nice...but honest.

Really your waist does not look that big.

Too give you 100% fair opinion. I think you have a great build already. Pec look like they have great potential as well as your lats.

I have been working out 13 years..and your lats are as good as mine.

It tough to say about bulk or cut...but if you dont mind keeping the belly a little longer a bulk cycle would do you more justice.

Just by looking at you I can see your chest delts and whole upper body would prob carry mass good on a bulk.

Keep us up to date!
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">you can be pleased with your results, are you? from which training program do you come from?

Yes, I am pleased with the results. I was never really on a specific training program. It was always some type of split for the last 10 years or so. Since the kid came along (last three years) it's been full body Monday and Friday with arms and shoulders on Wednesdays. Just banging away with no SD along the way. I had bulked up to about 228 and then cut down to about 200 and held that steady for a bit. Then I tried this to bulk back up a bit. Figure another bulk and then cut doing a few cycle at maintenance.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Well done Keystone. 2.5&quot; on your chest measurement in one cycle is superb. Your waist definitely doesn't look 41&quot; if your chest is 49.5&quot;.

I haven't taken many measurements but I do keep an eye on things like my arms and waist. I mainly use my lift poundages as a guage to progress.

Are you going to be squatting and doing some kind of bent-over row next cycle or keeping to the same exercises?</div>

I think alot of the chest gain came from getting a better spread from my lats and including them in the measurement since they were expanded. I have to think Fausto for that since he got me doing chins.
First time I have seen good progress with my back.

My lift poundages went up too. Most of 5 rep maxes ended up being about 30 lbs more than I had set at my max. I might not have had them set up right but I was pleased.

Yes, I will be alternating squats with my deads next cycle. I will also be alternating rows with my chins. I am going to be alternating some type of chest press with my rear delt work and alternating flat and incline bench press. Keeping the weighted dips. I wanted to do a plain jane first cycle and then expand with my second cycle. I am really stoked about my next cycle.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"> I have been working out 13 years..and your lats are as good as mine.

Thanks, but I embarrassed to say I have been working out for almost 20 years now and this is all I have. It all has come in cycles. I have been bigger and I have been stronger. Many times I have thought I have had things figured out but I truly believe I have found the pot of gold when I found this site.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"> Keep us up to date!</div>

I will for sure. You all are probably going to get sick of my posts, lol. Fausto urged me to start a progress thread and I figured I would.

Thanks for everyone's input. Better get back to the couch and SD.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Fausto urged me to start a progress thread and I figured I would. </div>

Damn that South African... lol, good read though - now for some more comments.

About your waist measurement.. go with 36 - measure around your hips, not your navel... this isn't the 1920's anymore where people where their pants that high! Haha..

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Colby and Tot do you guys normally take measurements?</div>

The only measurements outside of weight and skinfold that I take are my arms since they are the easiest to do. I swear they don't feel like they've grown but amid this 2nd of 4 cutting cycles... yes cutting.. people have noticed amazing growth?

Must be that damn creatine!
I measure everything about once every four months or so. I do measure my arms more regularly, because like Colby said, they are easy to measure.

Keystone, I think bulking another cycle or two is a good idea. Like the guys said, your pecs and lats look good, they've got some growth potential. Traps look like they could use some more work, but if you are going to continue deadlifting, they should get tore up well enough. Another bulker or two, and then cutting down the fat you've gained, and you should look real good.
Yeah dude, if your traps were more bulked up and rounded you'd look crazy. You've got a real good build in the shoulder/chest area. Good deal man, keep it up. I'll look forward to seeing your results after your next cycle. We've got a hulk in the making right here.
Great results Keystone! More proof on how effective a few compounds are.

Just curious, what are you pulling in the deadlift?
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Damn that South African</div>

Correction...that Portuguese, I just live here, but I am Portuguese to the core!

Keystone! Good show mate! You are on your way to get even greater gains, this is just the beggining!

Now you have a better idea as to what exercises are yielding results, stick to them.

I am Glad I have been a good influence so far, wish it was in all areas of my life! But I am hopeful!

I agree with the guys, your waist does not look like a 41&quot;, very similar to mine, maybe a little more bas on thetop area are showing but there is still a minor amount of BF that I need to eliminate!

I tried to edit but can't, those are actually from 2003.

Don't have any latest, but will post as soon as I do.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Great results Keystone! More proof on how effective a few compounds are.

Just curious, what are you pulling in the deadlift? </div>

You are right about the compounds. Tickled to death my arms grew and I didn't even do any isos.

The deadlift was a totally new lift to me so my poundages probably aren't that good. I wanted to concentrate on my form to start off with so I stuck to the hammer strength machine for the deads. Here are my poundages I finished with (5 reps)

Hammer Strength plate loaded deads: 200 lbs
Flat Bench: 265
Chins: Bodyweight for 5 reps
Dips: Bodyweight plus 45 lbs

I originally only had myself going up to 170lbs on the deads and I probably could have went up a tad more than 200 but didn't want to push it.

I originally had myself going to 235lbs on the bench and I could have went up to probably 275lbs if I wanted to. I used to be able to do 275lbs 8 times so I am just getting back to where I was with that lift.

Really tickled with the progress with the chins.

For the dips: I didn't want to go up too much too fast so I stopped at added a 45lb plate. That really ended up being a weight suited for 10 reps. I will take it up further on the next cycle.

Traps: I will focus this next cycle on trying to add a little shrug to my deadlift movement. I experimented a tad with it this cycle but didn't really feel comfortable with it so I didn't do more than a couple. Felt like my grip was giving out and I didn't want to take away from the actual lift. Maybe I should invest in some straps?

Fausto, great pics.
Thanks for sharing and thanks for the great advice.

Hey Fausto, Great pics. I never thought of using one's own offspring as a substitute for db tri extensions! Great idea for when I can't get to the gym.

Looking forward to seeing your recent pics too.