Rethinking RMs used


Active Member
I'm kind of sick and tired of heavy weight workouts ruining all forthcoming. And I wouldn't call that "work to failure", they're just damn heavy for me, especially 5RM Squats and SLDLs. I really can't keep up the load 3 times per week. In light of all this, how about this: I pick up a 10RM weight that I can do 2 sets with 2 minute rest in between, and calculate all weights up to that accordingly. For 5RM, I choose a RM weight I can do 3 sets with 3 minute rest. Then I only add weights for the next big cycle only if I can cope with the load/rest/reps. And never work to failure. That way, weights would still be heavy, but not the true RM that kicks butt and makes your CNS take a vacation for a week. How's that? Would I still make progress overall?
As a general rule you shouldn't be working to failure. It takes a major toll on your CNS and will lead you down the overtraining path in a hurry! You may have the same issue as I do. I have come to the comclusion that lower body training twice a week is more beneficial than 3. My lower back doesnt recover quick enough to alot for effective Squat/Deadlift every other day. I spaced them out Monday and Friday to give me plenty of rest. You could give this a try. The overall volume of your program could be an issue if you feel rundown all the time. Try reducing the amount of sets for each exercise and see how you feel. The guidelines of 2 sets of 10 and 3 sets of 5 are just general and not everyone (myself included) has good or even normal recovery ability. As long as you get enough rest and eat enough you should recover adequately if your training volume is right. Good Luck hope this helps