Returning to HST


New Member
Year ago, I had switched to HST and had great results. In sum, pushed my plateaued bench press from 165 to a max of 275 in about 3-4 years. However since than, I was out of the country for an extended period and when I returned, my studies demanded too much attention; now it's summer break to return.

I am trying to get back into working out after--more or less--not working out seriously for 3 years. So can someone help me tailor an HST workout going from cold (not lifting) and back into lifting. I acknowledge HST is intense, but I plan on do a light workout to build me up to speed. I am debating doing 1-2 weeks of lifting just specific body section (i.e. back and bis, chest and tris, lats and legs) instead of jumping right into all compound HST. Thoughts?

Mornings: Run (1-3 miles)
(time permitting - 1 cycle of Spartacus workout)

Evening: Lifting (all light weights)
Squats - 15 reps x 2 sets
Deadlift - 15 reps x 2 sets
Flat Bench Press - 15 reps x 2 sets
Chinups/pullups (or pulldowns) - 15 reps x 2 sets
Dips - 15 reps x 2 sets
Arnolds (instead of Military Press to get back to strength) - 15 reps x 2 sets
Abs (hanging abs) - 15 reps x 2 sets

(time permitting - bike intervals 20 minutes)

ANY suggestions or assistance on how to go from zero to HST would be much appreciated.

Thank you
I would just start out your HST cycle like normal. The 15s are light enough to easy you back into lifting and allow you to “relearn” proper form since you’ve already lifted before.

I had a 15 year layoff from lifting and just started out doing HST and put on a pound a week for the first 26 weeks w/o little problem.
I agree completely. HST isn't really that intense in the beginning unless you are keeping volume really high. Just do the 15s and 10s and by the time you get into the heavier 5s, your work tolerance should be back - as long as you aren't keeping calories too low anyway.