Returning to the gym after a 2 1/2 week illness


New Member

First of all, thanks to all on this message board for the great advice. I have been using HST with great success since February.

Here is my dilemma: I had just finished my second week of 10's on April 22nd and was due to start week 1 of the 5's on the 25th when I came down with a vicious case of the flu, which turned into bronchitis. I missed all of last week and, on doctor's orders, cannot hit the gym again until Wed of next week, May 11th. That will be a total of 2 1/2 weeks out of the gym.
What should I do upon my return? Should I proceed with the 5's as if nothing happened or do a week of 15's or 10's to get back into the groove? Or, should I just perform rep tests and start a brand new cycle?
Thanks in advance for any and all advice!
I would probably repeat the 10s myself, or at least do the last week of 10s to get back into it. Remember that coming off from an illness like that, your work tolerance isn't going to be the same. It can take up to a month to recover completely from bronchitis. So don't overdo it on the volume while you are in there. A decent amount of volume and intensity can help your immune system but too much can wreck it.
i would restart TBH otherwise your only going to have a short cycle then SD,why not use that time off as an SD and restart.

I totally agree with Faz above. We've all been there - well, I'm sure most of us have.
Take the enforced break as your SD, and start again.
15's are always usefull for getting back into it, especially if you have been ill or strained something.

Good luck

Thank you both for the advice.
I forgot to mention that starting on May 28, I will be vacationing for a week. :) Considering that and the time off or illness, I was thinking of doing 10s from May 11 through the 20th, testing maxes the week of the 23rd and using the week of vacation as an SD week. Would that work?

I totally agree with Faz above. We've all been there - well, I'm sure most of us have.
Take the enforced break as your SD, and start again.
15's are always usefull for getting back into it, especially if you have been ill or strained something.

Good luck


Sorry Brix, I did not see your post. I think I was typing my response as you were typing. Thank you for your input. :)
No problem mate.

I still really like the 15's - for many reasons - so would stick by what I said, and recommend you restart your cycle, but good luck either way.
