Review my new non hst program


New Member
First I just want to say that I love HST and plan on doing it as my main workout for MANY years to come. That being said I think I am going to step outside traditional HST for a bit to take care of this much needed cutting cycle. I plan on doing a 10-12 week cutting cycle which will be followed by a 10 or so day sd and then back to bulking and my regular HST.

The goals for this cutting cycle are to drop 25 lbs of fat while loosing little or no muscle.

I went to and found my maintenance daily cals are 3350. To play it safe I will be taking in 2900-3000 cals per day. I am just finishing up a hst cycle and have another neg workout on weds. I have been trying to eat closer to maintenance for about the last week or 10 days.

My lifting will go something like this:

3 sets of 5 or 10 starting with my max for each range then for the second set drop 5% for another 5 and then for the last set I will drop yet another 5% and do as many reps as I can, stopping 1 rep before failure. I will alternate 1 week of 5's the next week 10's and so on. Also I will try to add a tiny bit each week to my maxes like they do in a strength program. Mostly compound lifts like my HST program but may throw in an isloation here and there just for fun.

This will be a 6 day per week upper/lower body split. Will also be doing some cardio 3 times per week for 40 min.

Hope it makes sense. I know its kinda wierd. I was thinking about just cutting and using my HST program but right now I would have to SD for 2 weeks and really wouldnt wanna cut during the 15's so it would be another month before I could start cutting.
Not too disimilar from what I do now.

As for the SD, I don't think you need one if you planning on a doing a fairly long and drastic cut unless you are feeling mentally or physically burnt out or have sore joints. However, since I don't cut I am not a real good person to ask about that.