Review My Routine?


New Member
I have worked out for 7 years and was doing OK. Stopped for about 1 year unitl surgery last Sept. Been working out with machine Circuit traaining to get back into liftin gand now am returning to Free weights. This routine will take me back about 60-75% of my previous best.

Any critique or comments will be appreciated. I beleive it is doable. Those lifts that appeared awfully easy I doubled for two sets. I don't mind the longer workout though, I know I can last through it.

My routine is to large to add in an attachment, since it goes through the full 8 weeks. If you ae willing to review send an email to and I will send the routine for your review. I thank in advance anyone willing to help.

Yeah, post it! If you have it as a text file just copy and paste it straight into a post.
If you can be bothered, how about you break the post up into weekly sections and post one or two at a time?