rotator cuff problems, need advice with routine


New Member
i've been doing standard barbell bench presses in my HST program and i'm definitely developing some problems in my left rotator cuff. its a chronic pain, not acute. probably somethin like tendonitis because its built up gradually and it didn't go away after my SD.

What are some good rotator cuff exercises/stretches?

I currently have a prescription to Mobic/Meloxicam (a NSAID) so I'm gonna take that, I also have flax seed oil and will take a lot of that to get my omega 3s up, occasionally i'll include foods such as fish and helpful spices, I'll also eat plenty of pumpkin seeds/almonds. I'll also follow some sort of Cyclic Ketogenic Diet, because I've read that low carb dieting can reduce inflammation.

Please if you have any knowledge with rotator cuff injuries, give me advice on how to heal my rotator cuff quickly, prevent future re-injury, and minimize muscle mass loss during recovery.
Dave Tate has some good benching advice. My shoulder issues have greatly reduced since I've really worked on my bench form. My pain has reduced while continuing to bench with improved form. Very happy about that.

Check out a recent post I made here:

Rather than just the flax seed oil, take some good fish oil too. There's a good thread on this somewhere here. Ah, found it:
thanks a lot, I definitely need to work on my form. And I actually read that fish oil thread about 30 min after opening my new bottle of flax seed oil. It was definitely a "Damn..." moment haha. I saw that Bryan said you should definitely not use flax seed oil if you frequently consume caffeine because caffeine interferes with the conversion to EPA and/or DHA. Any idea how much caffeine is too much?

I'm thinking about switching to push ups just for a week before going back to bench. My hopes are that push ups dont restrict my shoulder movement and that I'll be doing a lot more reps (thus getting the benefits that Bryan talks about with his 15 rep cycle). I'll also incorporate some really light, rotator cuff specific lifts right before doing my pushups. Do you see any problems with this?
I just watched all the videos and I'm definitely glad I watched em, but I have a few questions before I go screw something up and hurt myself worse:
I will use the method with my feet tucked under the bench instead of extended.

So, I should keep my knees below the level of the bench, I should keep my ass on the bench, I should keep every muscle really tight and flexed, my upper back will be off of the bench at all times, and my shoulder blades should be squeezed together at all times.

Does that all sound right?

Also, he never really talked about grip width, he just mentioned that the guy in the vid was too narrow. I'm guessing grip with should be a tad wider than shoulder width??