Routein Critque Please


New Member
Ok, going for an HST style routein, what do you think of the below? Does it look good and ballanced?
flat bench press (bb)
t-bar row
incline press (db)
Romanian Deadlifts
seated millitary
calf raise (seated)
bb curls
skull crushers
I would cut back on a few exercises, and a lot of people would advise not to do squats and deadlifts together - you could possibly think of doing a split routine.

When you say pullup - is that referring to pull-ups as in for your upperback, or pullup on cables working your biceps? Either way - you wouldn't need them since you are doing t-bar row and bb curls. You wouldn't need to do pulldowns if you are doing skull crushers.

Maybe throw out incline press (that's up to you), and consider adding in dips? I am a strong advocate of dips.

I agree about the suggestion regarding dips. I would do chinups though, I love doing both chinups and rows, but then I really like hitting my back... About the squats and deadlifts thing, if you can handle them together, then go ahead and do them. I almost always do both in my routines, though not always. It works better if you do a split though. For instance, I really like AM/PM splits, with deadlifts in the AM and squats in the PM.
i would rather do incline db than bb bench better stretch imo.. and less shoulder trouble..but i agree about the dips..try dips and inclines hitting all the pecs :D
tbar rows and pulldowns both do upper back drop one..deadlifts do lower and some upper so keep them and pick one of the others :D