Routine Advice


New Member
Hi everyone.

I've been following various routines over the years and of recent have been doing the Bill Star 5x5 program, which has been great for me. However, it's getting a little stale and I've been looking for something new ... which brings me here!

Can someone please give me a little feedback on the below selection of exercises? I can't decide it it's too much, too little or if I'm covering everything.

  • Barbell Back Squat 2x15
  • Barbell Flat Bench 2x15
  • Barbell Deadlift 2x15
  • Barbell Pendlay Row 2x15
  • Barbell Overhead Press 2x15
  • Barbell Shrug 2x15
  • Wide Grip Chins 2x15
  • Dips 2x15
  • Side Raise 1x15
  • DB Curl 1x15
  • DB Kickback 1x15
  • Calf Raise 1x15

To be honest, that's a lot more than I am willing to do during a routine. I prefer to stick to a core set of exercises and keep trying to advance those. I would also highly recommend separating out the deads and squats. Alternating exercises works well for most and if you've been doing 5x5 then you should be used to this. I keep the deads and odd exercises on weds, then do the squats, bench and other cores on mon/fri, somewhat like 5x5. I would drop the kickbacks entirely... you're never going to be able to move much weight on those. Choose something you can progress better on - I like tricep dips for those.

Here is what I would do:


Tricep dips
DB Curl


Chest Dips
Overhead Press
Calf Raise

I would also recommend going to a narrow grip chin with an underhanded grip, this will activate the lats better and allow you to use more weight as well. It also hits the biceps very well when done this way.