

New Member
Hi guys,

My father is laid up with a sciatica that has left him in so much pain he can't get up and get around.

The doctors have done nothing for him other than give him drugs to mask the pain.

Anyone have any ideas on supplements or anything else that can be done to help him out.

He said he was at work (he works as a bridge operator in Florida, no real physical demands) and he just turned the wrong way and it left him practically paralyzed on one side.

If anyone has any ideas I'd be really grateful.

I would recommend finding a good chiropractor.  My wife has had sciatic nerve problems a couple times and a visit to the chiropractor has always had her up and around in a day or two with the pain being gone.

Other than that if the drugs the doctor gave him are only pain killers and not anti-inflammatories I would ask him for some that also act as anti-inflammatories as that will help alleviate the pressure on the nerve.

Hope he feels better soon!
Have him read Dr. John E. Sarno's book "Healing Back Pain" immediately since you are looking for "something else."
thanks guys...I'll start with recommending the chiropractor...he's not much of a reader but the book looks interesting enough that I might pick it up. Good prices there at Amazon.

If it's any consolation to him I had it really bad earlier in my life after I ruptured a disc when doing some building work. Over time the condition improved but what has helped me the most is getting my back really strong (well, much stronger anyway) over the last year or so. I haven't had any bad twinges since I started training. I built up my poundages gradually so that I'm now able to deadlift over 400lbs and squat over 350lbs without any kind of back complaint. I plan on continuing to push the loads up too. I think my back is now better than it has ever been since my school years.

Check out this link:

Sciatica info