SD after HST into new program?


New Member
hey guys,

when moving from HST into a SST program (like a 5x5) do you have to SD?

I know you SD before HST, but do you always do it afterwards (if you aren't starting another HST cycle)

I would sd...Totetanz has a lot of expierence on he would be a better one to ask.

But nothing wronw with a good 7 day SD
hrmm, i actually have to take off a week 3 weeks from now, and im cutting my hst cycle 2 weeks short because i think i hit a plateau

maybe i can 5x5 for 3 weeks as good practice, take that week off and then go back for real.. i dunno, i need to cut too i got too phat
i would start it without sd like totentanz has adviced me. i think he is right in this point. maybe you can make a deloading week ! But if you dont want to make a sd then dont do a sd
How have you hit a plateau? If you just aren't gaining any more weight, then you need to up your calories.
If you have to take a week off anyway, I would just finish your HST cycle, then take the week off and go into a 5x5 program after that. If you aren't going to take a week off, then you can run your HST program right into a 5x5. You could do a deload, then start over at the beginning of a 5x5 cycle, using a % of your 5 RM, or just turn your 5s into the first phase of 5x5 and keep pushing it as long as you keep hitting PRs, then once you don't hit any more PRs, then go into the deloading week.

Sorry if this post doesn't make much sense. I just worked 13 hours on 2 hours of sleep. Fun fun.
Well, hardly anything gets deleted here, so most probably not.

Chances are, it was due to some weird server error, aside from the standard error we're already getting.

Sorry about that. I know it's pretty frustrating to write something (especially if lengthy) only to have it disappear.
I had this happen a little while ago but it hasn't happened again (to me).

If you are going to write more than a few lines it's worth knocking it out in a text editor and then copying and pasting it into the browser, just in case.
(Totentanz @ Jul. 03 2006,17:03)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">How have you hit a plateau?  If you just aren't gaining any more weight, then you need to up your calories.
If you have to take a week off anyway, I would just finish your HST cycle, then take the week off and go into a 5x5 program after that.  If you aren't going to take a week off, then you can run your HST program right into a 5x5.  You could do a deload, then start over at the beginning of a 5x5 cycle, using a % of your 5 RM, or just turn your 5s into the first phase of 5x5 and keep pushing it as long as you keep hitting PRs, then once you don't hit any more PRs, then go into the deloading week.

Sorry if this post doesn't make much sense.  I just worked 13 hours on 2 hours of sleep.  Fun fun.</div>
err ok let me try again

i hit a plateau in that i am gaining plenty of weight (and fat) and not that much muscle

i went from 12% to 17% bodyfat and only increased lbm from 150 to 155. to me that just isn't good enough

the first few cycles of HST helped me get over my last hump, but i believe i am stuck at another one, so off to strength training for me weeeee