SD and following illness, how to begin now?


New Member
Hello guys,

I finished my Strategic Deconditioning (14 days) last week but I had the bad luck to become ill on the day of the new cycle. So, I am now 21 days without training and want to start the new cycle in a few days.
What would you advice me to do now? I think it is impossible to start with 60% of the 5RM without having problems in the last weeks of the cycle.
Or should I start with 50% of 5RM and finish the cycle with 100% instead of 110%?

Thank you for help

My plan (if necessary)

30 reps
I think you should start with the 50% cycle. As Wendler says, "erring on the side of less is usual better in the long run," or something along those lines.
And when you start off, err on the side of less volume too. It's easy to be tempted to do an extra set or two because the loads feel light but then you find you'll develop DOMS from hell over the next few days which will make you feel like taking an extra day(s) off. Not a great way to start a new cycle.

You'll know what loads to use at the end of your cycle when you get there. Keep your 5s going if you feel you can keep adding weight each week. Once you max out, finish up that week using the same loads and then stop there for a well deserved deload/SD week.
Thank you!

I will start with 50% and lower volume. If it's to low and light for me I will adapt it in the following weeks. Maybe I can even handle with the 110% weights in the end. I will see
Thank you for your help. My problem is that I always think to inflexible because I trained many years with standard splits.